Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
Damn It’s been sooo long since I’ve updated and I know for sure you guys hate me. I apologize, it’s been a few rough months and writing was my least worries. I graduated high school, enrolled into college only to drop out. I honestly became so depressed and it stopped me from doing things I love such as writing. For a month or two, I wasn’t myself. I didn’t have motivation anymore, I gave up. I hate explaining how I feel to people because they won’t understand what I’m going through or believe it’s a front, family or friends. I kept shit bottled in, scared of judgement but I began to realize everybody goes through hard times in life and it’s perfectly fine. I promised myself to get better at loving myself for my New Years resolution and take steps on letting my feelings be known or it’ll only hurt me more.
          	Now as for my books, I will be removing most of them and starting completely over. My work can be so much better but I have problems with having new ideas and rushing into creating a sloppy plot of a story. Majority of my work is rushed, y’all probably can’t tell because you enjoy it and I’m so glad that you do but I can give you guys better. By February 1st, these books will be deleted; Odell Beckham Imagines, August Alsina Imagines, and Taken. Mine and Still Mine will be discontinued but I will keep it up. I’m going to finish First Position but there will not be a sequel, I’ll try to add bonus chapters just because I love y’all.
          	I hope y’all have been nothing but great into the New Year. I have some shit in store for y’all and I’m soooo excited! 


Diese Nachricht könnte beleidigend sein
Damn It’s been sooo long since I’ve updated and I know for sure you guys hate me. I apologize, it’s been a few rough months and writing was my least worries. I graduated high school, enrolled into college only to drop out. I honestly became so depressed and it stopped me from doing things I love such as writing. For a month or two, I wasn’t myself. I didn’t have motivation anymore, I gave up. I hate explaining how I feel to people because they won’t understand what I’m going through or believe it’s a front, family or friends. I kept shit bottled in, scared of judgement but I began to realize everybody goes through hard times in life and it’s perfectly fine. I promised myself to get better at loving myself for my New Years resolution and take steps on letting my feelings be known or it’ll only hurt me more.
          Now as for my books, I will be removing most of them and starting completely over. My work can be so much better but I have problems with having new ideas and rushing into creating a sloppy plot of a story. Majority of my work is rushed, y’all probably can’t tell because you enjoy it and I’m so glad that you do but I can give you guys better. By February 1st, these books will be deleted; Odell Beckham Imagines, August Alsina Imagines, and Taken. Mine and Still Mine will be discontinued but I will keep it up. I’m going to finish First Position but there will not be a sequel, I’ll try to add bonus chapters just because I love y’all.
          I hope y’all have been nothing but great into the New Year. I have some shit in store for y’all and I’m soooo excited! 


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so about a month ago, this book company called Dreame offered me a spot. They really enjoyed my book Mine. I’m all for it and been talking to one of the owners but they want my personal shit like my id and address...should i trust it? They have a website also so I know it’s real.


Will you be adding to still mine? 


Okay. I’ve already read your new update that fast lol but I have your notifications on! Thanks again!! 


@trelovesyouu i know i told you i would be updating like last week but tomorrow there is gonna be a update...just letting you know


Okay!! I’m holding you too it! Thanks love!!!


who knows somebody who can make good book covers?


            @totgraphics has a book called cover shop and they're several girls who can all make really great covers. I'm pretty sure some of them are closed but some of them still take requests , you just have to look at the chapter's update.
            If you want a faster cover, like as soon as possible because they (the several girls i was talking about) do take quite a while, then go to @slothtato. she's really quick and can make your cover in less than like 3 days.