
this message may be offensive
Hello, It's been a while hasn't it? Crazy how much time has gone by huh? We all living our lives right? I kind of forgot about this place if I'm being honest and my Luca obsession sub-sided the moment I turned 13. I wish I came out with a good book on those two before I left! Maybe I should redo everything? Make one that is outstanding and pleasing. Maybe one day? When the stress is not too much, but that is besides the point right? How was your day...? I hope it wasn't that bad, if you need a friend then I am here but I can't promise forever. I can only stay for a while but it's not your fault friend, mostly mine and the stress I carry! But enough about me, have you eaten today? Drank? I know I can't talk because my eating and drinking habits are shit but I still care deeply for you despite not being here for a while! Still, how have you been? Has your birthday passed? How was school? I know work is hard. How is life in general? Need a shoulder at the moment than I am your person


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Hello, It's been a while hasn't it? Crazy how much time has gone by huh? We all living our lives right? I kind of forgot about this place if I'm being honest and my Luca obsession sub-sided the moment I turned 13. I wish I came out with a good book on those two before I left! Maybe I should redo everything? Make one that is outstanding and pleasing. Maybe one day? When the stress is not too much, but that is besides the point right? How was your day...? I hope it wasn't that bad, if you need a friend then I am here but I can't promise forever. I can only stay for a while but it's not your fault friend, mostly mine and the stress I carry! But enough about me, have you eaten today? Drank? I know I can't talk because my eating and drinking habits are shit but I still care deeply for you despite not being here for a while! Still, how have you been? Has your birthday passed? How was school? I know work is hard. How is life in general? Need a shoulder at the moment than I am your person


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My little bro had some marker tops on his fingers and he said those were his nails and my parents are desperately trying to make him say those are claws or make him take them off. I want to laugh but I am sick and so I can barely breath but still- BAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA holy shit



@Paanjiro going to read it ^^


on my new account


I legit cried when a teacher asked me if I was ok


@Paanjiro ohh I’m sorry to hear that bro


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@lemonfujisaki bc I was dealing with shit today and I fell asleep twice and so I thought that I would ruin my reputation and the teachers would hate me


I just lost my best friend of months bc I said that loving Hisoka is gross....


@Voodooo6655 It was the wrong friend so- Idc anymore


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I'm thinking of quitting writing all together- Like- Just delete EVERYTHING and only be a reader bc this writing bs is ugh- I can't keep stressing over this- Every-time I say that I will make a book- I just delete it and never talk about it bc I feel so ashamed and embarrassed of what I wrote for the public- I just wish that I had a style of writing were it just makes you feel all of the emotions and describes them so literal! man...What I would do to get a style like that. I also don't like stress- people ask me constantly "The author should post more" "more" "more pls" and I just feel like I let everyone down bc I know that I would never finish the next chapter- It would take me ages to do bc of my mental issues! I really need help with that but I just...I can't go to therapy- I mean- My mom won't take me bc it's so far and she don't feel like calling a ride ig- Also medication might be expensive and we don't have money like that- Welp- I'll try to just take a break but I am working on books on my other account and it is fucking with my head- I kind of want to quit but at the same time- this is a passion and smt that excites me a lot! Idk what to do. I'm not asking for help on this- I just wanted to get this out in case I do decide to quit for a while/forever


@Paanjiro your writing is amazing dude


@luberto_supremacy *sniff* thanks brah. I do enjoy writing but I feel as though my writing sucks and it's just difficult to think of a starter for my books


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Fuck you mom. You piece of shit. How about instead of accusing me- go suck dad's di- *middle finger to mom*


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@kirishima_so_manly Parents are so fucking- ugh


hello everyone


@luberto_supremacy yeee but it's fine tho- I'll manage


@luberto_supremacy nun much besides school stress and home stress