
We welcome the pack WUFM North West - Tiger Claw into our council, successfully taken by Alpha Kimmik and Chieftain Lykos. Welcome, @Luna_Scarlet_Claw, to our collective, and to one of our packs. 


To all pack Alphas, Betas and Gammas:
          The pack council will be creating a book of law for all council packs. We would like your feedback in what you would like included, as well as your help in revising the drafts that we release. Please post any ideas on my message board. Laws should follow this specific format:
          1. First degree murder of any wolf within the council.
          a. Such an act is considered to be treason, and is punishable as such
          b. This act, falling short as such, shall be punishable by either death or a life of inprisonment. 
          Thank you for your assistance. Alphas, it is your job to contact your other pack members. 
          @We_run_this_town @Sadistic_Killers @TheCovenofLostAngels @Wolf_Tale @AlphaKasumiRose @WUFM_NE_PACK @CovenOfTheLostTribes @CovenoftheBloodMoon @AlphaScarlet_Bp 


Hey! I'm a helper for @Tiger_Claw_Pack . This pack is for all creatures, not just wolves. If anyone is asking for a pack for all creatures (not humans), please recommend this pack. Thanks so much!
          ~ Aquata  (The Alpha is Luna)


((As you are not part of the council yet, your pack cannot be recommended through our network. Additionally, recruitment goes by seniority. If there is a pack that will accept and has been in the council longer, they will be contacted first. @Tiger_Claw_Pack ))


(Is this only for wolves, or can non canine races join as well?)


@-The_Week_Day- ((The council in itself is generally for large groups of roleplayers. Generally most, if not all, have canine shapes. However we would likely be open to an alliance with a non-canine group, depending on the success of our diplomatic discussion. It is open, thus far. However, it is a pack council and you would be required to follow all rules of leadership and submission. A few packs allow foxes and such as well, please PM me if you have further questions of that kind.))


A shack sits in the middle of the wolves, creaking in the howling wind. A voice seems to reach your ears, calling for you to enter. If you do, a robotic, feminine voice will speak.
          "Council blood scanner ver. 2.1 commencing. Scanning 30%... 50%... 90%." If the scan finds you have council blood, it will beep. "Scanning complete. Blood detected. Proceed." If it finds you do not have council blood, the door will lock, covered over with anti-magic and anti-physical wards. 
          If you are allowed to proceed, it will take a moment for your eyes to adjust. You will see that the inside of the shack is barren, but for a row of tables containing various amulets. They emit a gain glow. If you touch them, the voice will speak. 
          "Darkmoon amulet, class A. Light blue, Alpha. Black, Beta. White, head. Green, packmate. Grey, Omega. Select your amulet." 
          If you select the correct amulet, another beep will sound. If you do not, the amulet will disappear.
          When the correct amulet is chosen and paced around your neck, the voice will speak again. "Connecting amulets. Processing. Processing complete, amulets now connected. Explination: amulets connected to all council members. In the event of an emergency or attack, Alphas, Betas and guard warriors may draw on amulet power. For each responding council pack member, charge one. For each responding alpha, one charge for each member in pack. Usefulness: invaluable." 
          The door will swing open behind you, and the voice will speak one last time. 


 ((There was no meeting called, Aspyn, Legend, Antonio, Scarlet. You may return to your packs.))


She nodded uneasily. "I think you're right." Aspyn smiled softly, relaxing a little and glancing around.


@Wolfauthor Noticing the unease in her voice, i give "It will be fine, i'm sure it will start soon and then we can go."


The time has come for council reform. All those wishing to remain in the council, comment here or forever hold your silence. You have a week. Ambassadors Kimmik, Garwen, Mena and Quinn are requested to search for active packs with a capability to defend themselves. All packs that do not reply will be removed. Alphas are also urged to place the names of their council members, a maximum of five top ranking wolves, in the comments here. Inactivity will not be tolerated. 
          @WAFFLES030 @GarwenTheBlueWolf @Wolf_Tale @Alpha_Mena 


@WAFFLES030 Thank you, Ambassador Nora. I am pleased. 


@Pack_Council Thank you, honourable council


The vanished shadow pack has been disbanded 


@pack_council okay then....though I need a new pack to report on now I guess...oh well il just wait for your decision until then il just wonder around


I am aware. I have been in contact with their ex Alpha. @GarwenTheBlueWolf