
this message may be offensive
hello my darlings! sooo good and bad news.... im going to be taking a hiatus from the JJK book, i havent had nay motivation as of late for it but i refuse to discontinue it, so just give me some time and we should be up and running!
          	 for the good news! i decided to start a new book... I know i should just finish the one i started but i really want to try and improve my wrighting and to come into it all with a new, fresh mind set.
          	i have had so much time to daydream during wokr lately and MHA has been living in my brain rent free and these ideas keep repeating like a broken record.
          	so i caved and decided to  say Fuck it and just wright the god damn book.
          	again im so sorry with the wait for the JJK Book but i started it when covid happened and looking back at it, the thing need major editing.......and i have no time or energy for that, so im shoving it under the stairs like the bastard love child i didn't want LOL
          	TTYL for now hope to be  posting soon!


this message may be offensive
hello my darlings! sooo good and bad news.... im going to be taking a hiatus from the JJK book, i havent had nay motivation as of late for it but i refuse to discontinue it, so just give me some time and we should be up and running!
           for the good news! i decided to start a new book... I know i should just finish the one i started but i really want to try and improve my wrighting and to come into it all with a new, fresh mind set.
          i have had so much time to daydream during wokr lately and MHA has been living in my brain rent free and these ideas keep repeating like a broken record.
          so i caved and decided to  say Fuck it and just wright the god damn book.
          again im so sorry with the wait for the JJK Book but i started it when covid happened and looking back at it, the thing need major editing.......and i have no time or energy for that, so im shoving it under the stairs like the bastard love child i didn't want LOL
          TTYL for now hope to be  posting soon!


          I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a while but again school and work kick my ass as usual, but u also  have so many ideas for everything it’s hard getting them on paper. 
          Along with my JJK Fanfic I’m also trying to write an OG love story. Idk if anyone would be Interested in it, but it’s been fun to write and see how far my imagination can go with lovey dovey fluff. 
          The most likely time for more of the JJK fan fic to come out will be on the summer when the new season releases. I do have access to the manga but it just doesn’t get me in the writing mood as much as the anime did. So I will just say the fic is on temporary Hiatus.
          Thank you for your understanding


Hello!! I just wanted to say that I love your JJK Fanfic!!


@Pacoles I hope you have time to rest away from the school works!! And don't worry about updating the books too much we can wait!! :3


@Yuuehn Thank u  I may not post much but I have major plans! Just school is kicking my ass.