
Almost finished with a story by Kait Nolan
          	Legacy of the Wolf 
          	really good.


We may pull our kids out of school on Monday. 
          There are 70 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our state, one in our county. 
          20% of those infected can pass on the virus for some time before showing symptoms... 
          ...80% have mild-moderate symptoms. How many of them even see a Dr for what they think is probably just a cold/flu? 
          We are well situated here, but there are odd moments when it is like living on pg 3 of a horror novel. You know the sort of story I mean where everything seems pleasant and yet... you are waiting for 'bad stuff' to start happening. 
          Epidemiologists don't seem (as) concerned by the death rate, but the combination of the rate of spread and the hospitalization rate. 
          Do anything you can to slow the spread of (any) illness this year (and next). It will be at least a year before a vaccine is available, and quite possibly longer. 


            6 March there were about 300 cases nationwide... as of last night, 366 in my state alone. 
            The GOOD news is that fatalities are low... the BAD news is that this virus spreads fast. Too many cases too fast may overwhelm our hospitals and collapse the health care system. 
            How things turn out depends on how steep the bell curve (of infection) is. Social distancing and frequent hand washing make a difference. If people blow off the basics, it could get bad.  If we all do all we can, 'this too shall pass'. 
            Better safe than sorry, right? 


            USA had 309 cases last night (6 March)
            7 March 2020 
             11:52 am. ...USA...... 395 cases    
                                      [ 24 hrs ago it was 267 ]  
               1:51 pm. ................402
               4:51 pm ................ 437
             My state (Washington) 
            [Yesterday 79 cases/ 11 deaths ]
               Today   102 cases/ 16 deaths.   


            128.   +20 
            156.   +28
            226.   + 70.   Should check again tonight   
             6 March 
            Almost 11 AM  cases in USA......   253 
             ...14  dead /  8 serious-critical condition
                       12:11 PM      . ..................     267 
                         3:15. PM .........................    309 
            Washington state 6 March 12:15 
                79 cases/ 11 deaths 
                     [ up 9  & up 1 from yesterday]   
            I finally got an area where the case is for my county.... close.  Close enough that lots of people from town commute to the same area for work or shopping. 


Odd happening of the day:
          The cat led my husband bit by bit away from the house... He didn't understand at first but when he caught on he was not OK with being that obedient to a feline. I was curious where the cat was leading him, so he followed the cat a few min later. 
          The cat led him to the garage and placed back and forth looking up at the doorknob.  So my husband went back for the keys and opened the door. Then, when he didn't follow the cat inside, the cat came into the backyard and sat down for a min to stare at him and tried again to get my husband to follow the cat. (He didn't).
          So, if you were writing a story, where would your cat lead you? 


Hey, thank you so much for adding my books ‘Lay Low’ and  ‘Given Up’ to your reading list.  I hope you get the chance to read them both and let me know what you think.  I’ll be honest, I live for the feedback...! ;-)