Do you guys remember that one JenLisa fic where Lisa d*ed? She was drunk and fell in the pool when she tried to get the engagement ring Jennie proposed to her with. But she was drunk asf and couldn’t actually swim, so she drowned (TT). Jennie, being heartbroken abt it she went to every place they visited to mend her grieving heart (TT).
She never got over Lisa since she was the love of her life, (kmss) so she stayed single and never dated. In the end Jennie died because of the same fcking ring she gave to Lisa, which she dropped (purposely?) by her window. Girlie jumped to her death :'( (Jennie was already old when she committed S). But they met in the afterlife so its an happy ending...?? I read this fic when I was like 14 or 15? And I couldn't find it anymore:-! That's easily one of the best JL adaptation =_=