this message may be offensive
Dear bullies,
That kid you called a wimp for crying, his mother passed away.
That girl you called a slut today, she's a virgin.
That old guy you made fun of his scares, he thought for our country.
That kid you pushed over today, his being abused at home.
That fat girl you called fat, she's starving herself.
That little boy you called a bastard, he doesn't know who his real dad is.
That teenager you called a bitch, she has depression.
That kid you called retarded, he has a learning disability.
Think before you say, you don't know their life story's so don't assume what they are or what they do.
Repost this if your against bullying, when I red this for the first time I cried.
It doesn't just hurt them emotionally, it hurts them physically.
85% of people probably won't repost this, I'm just making sure that the message is out there.
It may seem like it stopped but it hasn't.
Were all guilty of our actions but sometimes we don't even realise were doing it.
Think before you do.
This message was brought to you by the save the goats foundation, you thought it was going to be the save the kids foundation, well it is.
A baby goat is a kid.
:P derpy grammar joke.
This status maybe long but at least I got the message out before 2015.
And before you start with all that "bullying builds character" bull, think of there future, hmmm *thinks of people who were bullied* let's see......drugs, smokes, depression, self harm, should I continue?
That's it! <3 Repost and Follow!