
The new chapter of From the Middle is up! I'm sorry it took so long guys, but with the holliday and everything it has ben hectic. I will have another one up probably later tomorow to make up for the gap :) enjoy! Also please vote and comment!


The new chapter of From the Middle is up! I'm sorry it took so long guys, but with the holliday and everything it has ben hectic. I will have another one up probably later tomorow to make up for the gap :) enjoy! Also please vote and comment!


Hi everyone! I'm a returning Wattpad author, however I used to use a different account. I would love for you all to give me a follow, a read, and a vote on my story! I'll be updating it frequently, at least every week minimum, and I'll try to pick a set day so everyone can depend on the story being posted on that day of the week. However updates might come more frequently sometimes as I get very excited when I finish a new chapter. And who knows, maybe on the week day that is set, I'll do like an author talk or something where my followers can ask me questions about the book?
          Thank you guys so much for your support!