
yah I have 81 followers


No thank you for being a author because the world needs more of them. Hello how old are you going to be in the world of goo goo dolls and tern it into your book of Mormon church and state governments to get a chance for the world to be a bow and arrow to your. Haha that was so random. Btw I say random stuff after I say something serious. 


Hello people of earth I'm mrs.Crazy and this is Mr.Crazy a lot of people say he is invisible but I like to think of it as blending in. Um so I'm going to get to the point soon I swear. Ok so I'm Mrs.Crazy like I said but just call me AJ and so I'm a massive reader so send me books and I will try and read them I follow ever one that follows me or I follow people who's books I like hence why I am following like 200 people. Haha bye till next time ( fyi that is my line )