
WOW! Haven't been on here since 2016?? Geez, it feels like it's been longer... I am sincerely sorry for not working on any of my work, I will start working on it right away! Goodness. And I will be temporarily unpublishing many of the chapters to BDB for the moment until I can get everything updated. I'm sorry you've all had to wait this long for me to finally get motivated. I'M ON IT! I WON'T DISAPPOINT YOU! I SWEAR!


@PaintedUniverse omg same. I can't even remember the last time I actually used Wattpad. I tend to spend most of my time on Qoutev. I only came on here because I came across an email notifying me of this post. lmao


WOW! Haven't been on here since 2016?? Geez, it feels like it's been longer... I am sincerely sorry for not working on any of my work, I will start working on it right away! Goodness. And I will be temporarily unpublishing many of the chapters to BDB for the moment until I can get everything updated. I'm sorry you've all had to wait this long for me to finally get motivated. I'M ON IT! I WON'T DISAPPOINT YOU! I SWEAR!


@PaintedUniverse omg same. I can't even remember the last time I actually used Wattpad. I tend to spend most of my time on Qoutev. I only came on here because I came across an email notifying me of this post. lmao


I know that It seems like forever since I've updated on any of my stories. I've actually been trying to go through some when I have the chance and edit them to make sure they can be better than they are at the moment. Thank you for understanding!