
dont know where else to say this without my irl friends finding this right away but I wanted to share it to someone somehow so here's me screaming to the wattpad void
          	kerjnaskjneakjfns he wrote me a poem it's so cute AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


dont know where else to say this without my irl friends finding this right away but I wanted to share it to someone somehow so here's me screaming to the wattpad void
          kerjnaskjneakjfns he wrote me a poem it's so cute AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Hi there! We hope you're having a fantastic time.
          We are the Modern Coffee Community. We, in this community, aim to give talents, and exceptional works the deserved recognition and motivate and learn along the way, by hosting awards and contests, giving shout-outs and writing prompts, etcetera, with a flirty sprinkle of aesthetics!
          We, personally love your graphics and would love to have you as a graphic designer! Please join in if you'd like to!

          Daily Reminder : More Espresso, Less Depresso.
          Community, @ModCoffeeCommunity


I finished working on 3 covers today! I was planning on making all of the remaining requests cause I still felt pumped to work on edits but it seems my laptop couldn't handle it lmao. 
          Photoshop crashed while i was working on the fourth one ;u; 
          so that being said, i'll be continuing the other covers tomorrow and head to sleep now! Thank you for your patience!


After a short debate and a couple of advices from a friend, I decided to redo my book "Wrong Sender". I will be temporarily unpublishing it to fix the plot and story in general. It might take a while for it to be back but for those who are reading it, I'll make sure that it'll be better once it's out.
          As for my cover shop, I will be handling the requests once school break starts. I will not be accepting or rejecting any of the requests yet but I will try my best to accept all of the request. Please be patient though, if you are unable to wait for it feel free to cancel your request by removing your comment. I know some of the requests have been waiting for a month or so and as much as I want to work on them now school works are still piled up and will probably continue to do so until school break. So again, I'm sorry and thank you for your patience.


Atelier has reached 1k reads! Thank you for those who checked it out and for those who requested covers!
          Looking forward to creating more covers for you guys! uwu


Congrats! You earned it! :)


UWU i luv ur workss! Keep writinggg! Supporter hereeee~


@PaintingPainThings i’ll wait for the updatess hehehe. Especially “After the War” thoo 


I’m really shookt when you made a taglish story uwuuu!!! Btw. Cool stories tho. 


@Misticity_ welp, i'm more used to writing in english after all hahahah


I never thought you are a filipino because you write and spoke english very well lol. Hehe


@Misticity_ lol, i am filipino so it was inevitable hahaha