
I published something on here for the first  time in like?????? Ever???? All my lil blurbs are being written down for once ah


haii •w•


Well, I haven't been active on Wattpad, but this seemed to deserve my attention, on all social medias, without fault. 
          So I'm giving my time to it. 
          What happened on Friday was horrendous. 
          Absolutely despicable and calling it anything less would be a ridiculous understatement and almost offensive.
          Without getting too political in all the attacks, the world is in devastating need of help, I fear. Normally I'd say I'm glad that "so few people were hurt" or "at least there's justice for those hurt" but unfortunately, neither are true in this case. 
          The good thing in this mess? 
          People are strong. 
          People are so. damn. strong. 
          Whether it is in Paris, or Baghdad, or Lebanon, or Iraq. 
          These people are stronger than these predators feeding on fear could ever be. They will rise from this on top and those people who broke down and took the lives of people they had never met; people they did not know the names of- they will not leave freely. 
          Entrance to those pearly gates that they do this for will not be granted and instead they'll be punished in life and death for what they have done. 
          They don't deserve hate. They deserve pity. Only a fool could think that as right and pity is fit for fools.  #PrayForTheWorld


Haha, I am great at really long messages! I always worry after I post them because they're usually giant and I worry that it'll annoy whoever I'm talking to. 
          Haha, then I cannot wait to read that book! I'm sure it'll be amazing.  
          Tell me what you think of the song when you do! 
          Minx. What a lovely name. 
          Great! And that is literally just so wonderful, gah! I am just so freaking happy for you! Words! They're hard to use! But I am so glad everything worked out. :D


Haha, I am great at really long messages! I always worry after I post them because they're usually giant and I worry that it'll annoy whoever I'm talking to. 
          Haha, then I cannot wait to read that book! I'm sure it'll be amazing.  
          Tell me what you think of the song when you do! 
          Minx. What a lovely name. 
          Great! And that is literally just so wonderful, gah! I am just so freaking happy for you! Words! They're hard to use! But I am so glad everything worked out. :D