
Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore <3


@ChokiinOnYhurHalo haha ikr :*
          	  no doll please :p


Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore <3


@ChokiinOnYhurHalo haha ikr :*
            no doll please :p


Ayesha, I love you because you're an amazing friend as even though sometimes if you're in a bad mood I'm scared that you might punch me in the face (or beat me up like you did to that keyboard in school, poor thing) I know that it won't last long and you'll be back to your normal crazy self again. You fill me in with gossip that's either makes me piss myself laughing or realise how messed up we all really are, I love how you always assume the worst, and constantly think I'm on a diet, which means that you know I'm fat and I need to diet :P lol and you're really sweet at random times (like wattpad comments). I also love how you're still friends with me after  such a bitch (I mean I pushed you off a table for crying out loud! Why so you talk to me?!) lol I take that back I might not say it dyne but I really am lucky to have a friend like you and I love you lots!! :**** xx


@Its_Meeeeeee just smiling at the screen like a wierdoo :P xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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@PakiBladriinz when I got this email that you replied I was like she better put some long heartfelt shit after why I said so good girl lol :P and I still don't get why you "need me in your life" seriously I'm such a bitch lmao and I'm not even gonna comment on the dieting thing -_-
            And I'm glad you didn't say booboo as well lol :P and of course your mood swings... I mean bad moods are a good thing, everyone gets pisses off at times, just as long as it's not directed I me because I don't like fighting with you and I am scared of you when you're angry lmao but seriously loooove you :* xx


@Its_Meeeeeee AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHH and this is the part wen i say 'booboo' but i will refrain coz the roles will reverse and u will punch me in the face lmaoo
            I love you sofukin muchh moree andd lmaoooooo ahaa i am grateful to have you and (most of the time, wait -- some of the time) your sarciness (lmao)  in my life. i really dont think u shud go on a diet because u need to eat icecream with me! andd dont u think my badmoods are good naw? like serious question tho :O xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Bitch steals my pics and puts them on her profile? Lol


@TooBitchForYhu I didn't say you don't. I was just implying how you only eat apples and drink water :P


@TooBitchForYhu Because it's neither an apple not water? :P


@TooBitchForYhu don't get all emotional please I offered them to everyone who was there, if you weren't there that's your problem :P