Ayesha, I love you because you're an amazing friend as even though sometimes if you're in a bad mood I'm scared that you might punch me in the face (or beat me up like you did to that keyboard in school, poor thing) I know that it won't last long and you'll be back to your normal crazy self again. You fill me in with gossip that's either makes me piss myself laughing or realise how messed up we all really are, I love how you always assume the worst, and constantly think I'm on a diet, which means that you know I'm fat and I need to diet :P lol and you're really sweet at random times (like wattpad comments). I also love how you're still friends with me after such a bitch (I mean I pushed you off a table for crying out loud! Why so you talk to me?!) lol I take that back I might not say it dyne but I really am lucky to have a friend like you and I love you lots!! :**** xx