Hi there! c:

We are the creators of Art Exchange! You will mostly find us handling some manager duties in Art Exchange, wrapped up in a blanket, and talking with our friends! (<Rosy> speak truth, friend!)

Welcome to Art Exchange! Here we have a virtual currency, Points! Art Exchange is a Virtual Mall Simulator, and the original PoP was created by PeppermintCat on Scratch.mit.edu.

The Art Exchange has a mixed currency, from points to art (You guys determine value!)

More information can be found on our 'About Art Exchange' Book! :>

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Cappu is the one who made this whole profile cat-themed, it's not my fault qwq Blame her XD -Rosa <she didn't actually say that XD>

Cappu is the one who will always say meow xD

Comment on the main book to join the Art Exchange!

(The background is Rosy's cat. Not Cappu's fault XD)

purrrr~ #CatsShallRuleDaWorld!
  • RegistriertMay 4, 2020

Letzte Nachricht
PalaceOfPoints PalaceOfPoints Dec 21, 2020 09:54PM
Hey you guys! The art exchange is slightly dead right now, but I wanted to mention a user real quick. @Miriowo- almost has 100 views on her story Sometimes, so if you could say congratulations that w...
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Geschichte von THE ART EXCHANGE
The Art Exchange | An Art Game von PalaceOfPoints
The Art Exchange | An Art Game
PoP stands for Palace of Points. It's something on scratch.mit.edu that is an art community - perhaps the fir...
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