
Okay, guys. So I'm leaving on a 3 week trip tomorrow, which means no wifi. So, if I don't respond to any messages, it's not because I'm ignoring you. Love you guys, and see you when I get back :)


It's awesome to hear from you! I'm good, thank you. I missed you too. I was actually thinking about you a couple of weeks ago, haha. I have a voice exam tonight, so that'll be fun. Only one more school exam on Monday  and ill be done for the school year. How about you? How's College?


Hey Lovelies. My friend has assembled an amazing "collection" of quotes for people who are feeling down. These are happy quotes, sad quotes, quotes from song. These are all designed to help people feel better and know they're not alone. If you can, can you check it out? She's worked so hard on it and they're all beautiful. If you know someone who's feeling down or struggling lately, send some to them, it could help. It's here if you want to check it out :)