Attention everyone; If you haven't noticed, I've been out for quite awhile. And that's for an array of reasons.It started as family problems. But thankfully that didn't last long. I'd like to explain something to you lovely people. The main reason I wanted to add cancer patients as roleplays is because I myself have a form of bone cancer. I don't care to go into the specifics of it and, not to be rude, but I'd just rather not. I've recently gone through a round of surgeries in the last week and I've been in a bit of pain and feeling weak. These short intervals for surgery aren't usually often but they do happen sometimes and I figured you guys might want to know why I disappeared. Now that I'm back, it seems I've lost a lot of roleplays and I'll refer them all to this message and let you guys decide whether you'd like to continue our roleplays or not. Love you guysss. ☮️☮️☮️☮️☮️ ;oos

@PaleJupiter oh my god, I hope you get better really quick! And stay strong... my brother has cancer and it's not easy. I respect all that have cancer because I know the struggles. Goodluck and god bless ; ooa