@Nila2Kpop Lol yeahp it's summer here in the Philippines keke IT'S SO HOT HERE ;_; I wanna experience spring~ it seems better the scorching heat of the sun over here ugh out temperature reaches 34 degree Celsius ><
@Pampersss yah, I'm sorry I reply late. Lucky you get summer break, but isn't it spring? Anyway yeah I live in Korea. It is quite nice actually, a little cool out but spring just started.~
@exofan101 Sure~ Followed you already ^^ You go too girl~ I love talking to lovely people like you ^_^ Lol yup Minho's always adorbs >< He's forever a baby ;u;
@Nila2Kpop I'm fine~ it's our summer break so I've been relaxing for a while now :) I saw that you live in Korea; how is it there? I've been wanting to go there actually ^^