For you, my friend, if I don't get this back then I'm obviously not a close friend
I have a game for you, it has been played since 1997, from what I've heard
Once you get this, you have to sen it to 10 people, if you do, this will happen the next 5 days
Day 1: Your crush will love you
Day 2: You will find $20
Day 3: you will get the things you've always wanted
Day 4: You will ace your test
Day 5: You will make 7 new friends
Remember, 10 people, 12 hours if you don't do this in 12 hours, the opposite will happen
Day 1: your crush will have you
Day 2 you will lose $20
Day 3: You will never get the things you've always wanted
Day 4: You will fail your test
Day 5: You will lose 7 friends
Choose the 10 people wisely