As usual been so busy with school and stuff too lazy to do books maybe i might do update when i can Love you all and yeah like i said i change my profile alot xD

Sonic-Undertale-Creepypasta-Rick & Morty-Anime-Batim-And.....wayyy many more im in alotttt of fandoms ;---; but im gonna keep it like this bc it was my first ever childhood fandom and yes im a female and yes im 14 going to be 15 on december 2 and if u have questions to ask me then do so

ik its been a while since i been on here school has gotten in the way

Nothing much, it was a pain i guess over some drama in life oh! the reason i have been away is bc i have been on amino the sonic one my user name is Sally Acorn (Va) (werehog) middle finger emojji i think it should have a shadow pic well changed imma be there friday threw sunday

okay so maybe i can keep my profile like this xDDD and not change it hopfully and as yall can tell im in many fandoms funny story my first was sonic and i hated sally but here i am

"He said hello miss, please to meet ya,I want hold him I want to kiss him...,he drives me crazy...he drives me crazy..~" -Big jet plane

Hey guys I'm very very sorry!!! Listen I have been offline Bc I was busy and things happend ;-; plz forgive

We mean no harm at all we actally here to help you guys or what ever is need we are like side kicks i guess you can say where free to help anyone or if you need advice from me or nurse where all open ears looking for jobs too!

three things 1 too busy 2 family problem 3 i guess i feel lonely he re reasons y im not active

Nurse:A-are you sure we can h-help i mean i understand...but.....i really don't know do you remember that one rick...Storage:yeah...i know but what do we have to lose...i mean we lost our jobs its go broken or nothing..you know..lets just hope someone will come..

₩3|€○M3 +● H3|| ●R ₩h@+3v3R ₩3 |¡《3 ¡n....

If you had a gun with one bullet and theres two people but you can save only one who would you save? Person one is the love of your life while person two is your best friend who you have known your entire life....who would you $@^3..?

Who's ass do i have to save? ( board) or to beat!?!