
I donno what the hell is going on but last night I typed three chapters with over 1,000 words each and I made sure to save them but I get up now to add to it and I was gone! I am more than pissed!


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! A start of a new year is like a clean slate for me and after all the weird and bad in 2015 I'm ready to embrace 2016 with open arms with my lovely girlfriend by my side! I hope everyone has a great 2016!


I'm glad that Jack is honest and up front about this stuff but my thoughts on Wiishu is.. She might be a cool person which is awesome and she's got a talent with drawing, but I hope she knows that if she ever wants to break up with Jack (my grandma says they won't last long) she better find a nice way to go about it. 
          I know Jack can get really attached to some things and even people rather quickly (I do too) then when that thing gets taken away or goes away or someone dyes he doesn't take it too well (I'm the same way) I'm scared for him and I don't trust Wiishu, she might be the coolest person to live which then that's cool but I don't know her and something about her  rubs me the wrong way.
          I'm not saying I hate her but I'm not saying I like her, I don't disapprove but I don't approve either. Not like my opinion counts but I feel like he's a top heavy, wobbly toddler walking around sharp table corners. I don't want Jack to get hurt.. 
          (Sorry about my rant, I just needed to say this) 


@PanRaiTran I totally agree with you. No one wants to see your Jackaboy hurt. If he's hurt we all are. Jack deserves to be happy but if it's torn away it'll break him down. Then he wont have that bright spirit.  I really hope that doesnt happen. Im not sure about Wiishu yet. You never really see what she is like. Just like you soda she could be amazing but hurtful. I hope if she does plan on breaking up with Sean its in a nice way. Not a mean one. But anyway I do agree with you.


@FanGirl1248  I agree although my mom said I was just being saulty because I'm not Wiishu right now but I pushed my jealousy aside and started to really worry about him ya know?


@wondawarfstache I agree. You can't always trust when someone gets a girlfriend like that... As long as she never hurts Jack psychically or mentally, then I'm okay with them being together.