
[[On Monday I bought a Pride flag in my city and I was walking to the bus stop, flag around my shoulders, when a group of teenage boys, around my age, started to throw insults at me based on the fact that I'm queer.
          	Which, you know, assholes and shitheads, but what really bothers me for some reason is that it wasn't just at some point that day, week, or year, but that it was within 2 minutes after buying the flag.
          	Someone give them a medal for fastest bigots in the district league.]]


          	  //YES SJJSIS loooollll


          	  [[*smirking horny emoji back*
          	  ppl who will read this: "By Allah, behave yourself! I will give you a taste of my shoe!"]]


          	  //Hehehehheheh yessssss *smirking horny Emoji*


As the sun slowly went down above the countryside, the warm summer breeze passed through his hay-blonde hair. A hot glass of tea burnt his fingers, yet he still held it in his hand, unsure if to take a sip. 
          The Polish man gazed upon fields immersed in the last golden sunlight today, waiting for his guest to come.
          / yes, drinking tea from glasses is a very eastern polish thing. 


            His smile weakened, although not for long. He tried to keep his guest worry-free and cheerful. Ruining that American smile would be a pity. "I am doing.. quite well, that's to say." The Pole said, carefully choosing words. "Is he alright? Does he need some water?" the blonde pointed at Kuma, trying to change the topic. 


            Matthew chuckled at the sudden embrace and out of happiness to see his friend again. "Yes, you're right, how are you doing?" He asked, smiling brightly, similar to his brother's 'American smile'. "It's great to see you" Canada added, having trouble holding the bear up, who showed no effort to only tense a muscle to stay in his owner's arms.


            The young man dashed to the door, nearly spilling the tea he's been holding. 
            Feliks' smile grew bigger with each centimetre of the door he has opened. 
            He immediately threw himself in the arms of unexpecting Matthew, as a sort of greeting, leaving only awkward silence a moment after.  
            "Well, long time no see!" said jokingly the Pole, trying to warm up the atmosphere. 


[[On Monday I bought a Pride flag in my city and I was walking to the bus stop, flag around my shoulders, when a group of teenage boys, around my age, started to throw insults at me based on the fact that I'm queer.
          Which, you know, assholes and shitheads, but what really bothers me for some reason is that it wasn't just at some point that day, week, or year, but that it was within 2 minutes after buying the flag.
          Someone give them a medal for fastest bigots in the district league.]]


            //YES SJJSIS loooollll


            [[*smirking horny emoji back*
            ppl who will read this: "By Allah, behave yourself! I will give you a taste of my shoe!"]]


            //Hehehehheheh yessssss *smirking horny Emoji*


this message may be offensive
//i needed someone to rp America. Youre the best choice. Well Id choose you either way. Probably
          An angry Albino ran up to America, Halfway recovered after 40 years. He was stumbking but adrenaling and rage kept him up. "You absolutr idiot! You're a fucking embarrassment to everyone who ever fucking stood up for you! You immoral, idiotic, egoistic, arrogant asshole! Fucking Russia was kinder than you'll ever be! Youre as fucking arrogant as god damn Britain was but even he had worked for his empire, you're just a lucky little thing who got in for image and calls himself a fucking hero while committing so many fucking warcrimes, the USSR almost lost its first rank!", he shouted onto him, stuttering and shaking hardly.
          "You're a god damn immoral ass!"
          Quietly he glared hateful towards him. 
          He was shaking violently, and slowly loosing his previous determination causing him, having to sit down before breaking together. 


            "During most wars, yea. Not electrocution but the burning part and also other forms of torture definitely. When I was still a Kingdom, it was fairly okay. But especially in WW2 it was horrible. Terrifying, traumatising and you're just so so helpless against everyone else.", he said and stared towards the table, quietly sighing. 
            "As a child all the time. When I mistranslated something, when something bad happened to the villages, when I said something wrong or when someone else made a wrong move and then they all blame it on me."


            "Well, we /did/ reduce the executions done with electric methods, but this story-" Alfred put down his glasses and massaged his nose bridge and brows, a habit similar to Germany's. The American sighed, put his glasses back on and looked at Prussia in honest shame. "I think I should completely ban it." Torturing had to be lessened as well anyway, but this was a new stance Alfred decided he would take in his country. "All this is terrible, you know, I see that. Tell me, did these things always happen to you during a war?"


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            "It won't just pass. It will be permanently be there. I'll never be able to actually write and walk and think like before. Because I got a dang electric cut in my brain.  I can train to weaken it. I can force myself to it. But I can never again do anything requiring fine motoric ever again. Neither can I ever properly speak or pronounce again. I am partly paralysed and I had a headtrauma. This is fucking permanent.", he explained, recalling all the things he was told. 
            "I'll never can write, hold things, stand for long, run, walk, talk long-term and much more. It's like medieval torture but without blood. Only the burning. Yes, it was exactly like being burnt. But It didn't suffocated you. This time it was..literally shocking. It didnt slowly crawl up but rather went immediately everywhere. Oh god..its terrifying..", he said in memories. 
            "It's so terrifying. You can't move. You cant scream. I cant see. I am completely chained up and moveless. I am damn defenseless. It's impossible to twitch, to get away from this.. And it doesnt even necessary kill you. I thought torture is forbidden, hm? Its so..terrifying..and it goes on for what feels like hours."


[[Because no one asked for it, here are 3 rankings about Jojo:
          Favourite Jojo:
          1. Giorno
          2. Josuke
          3. Joseph (especially from part 2)
          4. Jonathan
          5. Jotaro
          idk bout the other Jojos bc i havent read the manga
          Favourite Jojo style-wise:
          1. Johnny
          2. Giorno
          3. Josuke (Part 4)
          4. Jolyne
          5. Josuke (Part 8)
          6. Jotaro
          7. Jonathan
          8. Joseph
          Favourite parts:
          1. Part 5
          2. Part 4
          3. Part 1
          4. Part 2
          5. Part 3 (sry but I didn't like all those pointless fights, it was way too long and I miss Dio, it was so strong character-wise, I loved all the crusaders sm)


            [[I gotta say Johnny, when we ignore the stand's look. When I count the stand as part of the aesthetic it's gotta be Josuke or Joseph. I also love Giogio's look, but his stamd isn't that cool design-wise]]


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            [[I see, part 4 really is great. I'm super hyped on part 6, because one, I'm curious on Jolyne, and second, damn, Jotaro's fucking hot in that part. At least in the manga.
            Also I love the model work, aka the art Araki has made in collab with Gucci, it's so cool.
            Who's your favourite Jojo aesthetically?]]


            [[what's your favourite part then? And I mean part 3 just has too many fights, you know? That's my problem with it, not the story or its charas, those are great but not enough focused on. Big fan of Polnareff.
            And no problem, you can dump as much info as you wish. But that your brother doesn't like Jojo clearly shows that he isn't a man of culture, like we are. Battle tendency was so cool, loved the pillar men. As a German I say Stroheim was weird, but likable i guess.]]


          "Sure, it's only a few blocks from here" he pointed vaguely into the direction his appartment was in and started walking, quickly emptying his Timmies. "Does this happen usually? I knew of the magic meetings dad has with Romania and Norway, but this is something new to me"