
Chapter 4 of at last is up, would mean a lot if i heared your feedback , thanks X


If you all have time, please check out my friend's new story , It would be wonderful, thank you all, and sorry if i was bothering. 


thank you very much for that :* you're amazing person and i am so glad to have you next to me ♥♥♥ love you *-*


So some people will think i'm overreacting, and that i shouldn't be sad about zayn malik leaving one direction because i don't even know him personally, and that he wasn't my favourite, but how can it be one direction without him!
          i just can't ignore the feeling i'm feeling now, i don't even care if i'm cliche right now, i respect his choice but what pained me so much is that he couldn't even continue chasing his dreams because of rumors, don't they have a life, are they happy now, really i can't belive that they have seen how much it affected him but they are still doing it!!
          i really hope they are just messing with us or something, i had to write about it because i still i'm in state of shock... please don't stop the fanfics, he's not dead , we can still express our love for him.. please stop saying we can't continue it, it's like the only thing we have for him now..


@Pance_Taha I thought I wasn't going to cry , I thought it would be nothing but I'm crying hard now, I can't stop watching his videos and reading tweets on the hashtag, and it makes me cry even harder, everyone is asking me why I am crying but I don't have the strength to answer them, I just wish that I had more time, I wish I loved them from the start.
            I'll continue to love the boys,
            I'll continue to love zayn,
            I'll stay until the end. 
            I made a promise. 
            the promise of a directioner.  #AlwaysInOurHeartsZaynMalik.