
Seems like I couldn't catch a break for a bit there. 40 hour work weeks, 4 classes that I was taking all summer, a big break up with my now ex who I was with for over 2 and a half years. And some serious writer's block in everything I was trying to write. I am, however coming back strong on my original piece! I'm talking to someone new and new love is new inspiration. So Shrouded in Secrets has has two more chapters posted and will be on regular uploads again, hopefully. And I'm really trying with Trading Mistakes, but I wrote myself into a bit of a corner and I'm trying to figure my way out on that one. Just stay tuned, writing is on the way.


Seems like I couldn't catch a break for a bit there. 40 hour work weeks, 4 classes that I was taking all summer, a big break up with my now ex who I was with for over 2 and a half years. And some serious writer's block in everything I was trying to write. I am, however coming back strong on my original piece! I'm talking to someone new and new love is new inspiration. So Shrouded in Secrets has has two more chapters posted and will be on regular uploads again, hopefully. And I'm really trying with Trading Mistakes, but I wrote myself into a bit of a corner and I'm trying to figure my way out on that one. Just stay tuned, writing is on the way.


Hello wonderful readers! So my life has been absolute chaos the last 3 weeks, I'm so sorry for being absent and missing so many chapters! Good news, all the chapters are ready to post. I wish wattpad had scheduled uploads  bad news, my wifi isn't working at the moment. I'm posting this off my phone. I'm going to see if I can get the chapters from my word file to my phone and will be getting up chapters 3, 4, and 5 of Shrouded In Secrets tonight, hopefully. Also, to my Trading Mistakes readers: stay tuned, don't give up on me yet! Things might be in the works  I hope you all have a great weekend, and thank you all SO much for your patience! 


So you might have noticed chapter 3 isn't out yet, even though it's obviously finished. I was getting back into the groove after spring break, back to work and school and such, and posting completely slipped my mind. And then Tuesday I got an awful stomach flu and spent 3 days sleeping. And now I'm at home and forgot my laptop. So unfortunately I don't have the ability to post yet. Expect chapter 3 to be up Sunday evening when I get back to school and chapter 4 will either be posted with it or posted on Monday, depending on what's going on. So sorry everyone! It's been a rough week 


Chapter 2 is out early! I'm traveling to Portland this week with my mom for Spring Break to visit some old friends and family and I'm not sure if I'll have time later to post, or maybe I'll switch to Mondays, who knows! Either way, I hope you enjoy the next chapter!


Hello! Still no news of a Trading Mistakes update, unfortunately. I'm so sorry to those of you still waiting patiently. I've hit massive writers block and I might just have to revamp the story. But I really don't want to do that so I'm just going to keep waiting it out. But I will get something done I swear!
          In other news, I have an original piece that I've been working on since '12 and I'm thinking as a way to get back into that I'm going to go through and edit the chapters that I have, start posting those, and see if I can get on some kind of weekly posting schedule. With any luck maybe that'll even bring about my motivation to continue Trading Mistakes. So hopefully in the next week I'll have chapter 1 edited to post, I'll send out one of these messages when it's ready so you're notified that way! 
          Thank you all! And feel free to message me with any questions, comments, or concerns. I'm happy to help anyone! 


Hello lovely readers! So unfortunately I don't have an update to Trading Mistakes and I don't even have a time frame that an update might be available, but I have high hopes that 2017 will bring about many updates! I've been fighting depression pretty hard for the last year and a half which has made me lose motivation to do a lot of the things that I typically enjoy, like writing. But, at my last doctors visit I got prescribed an antidepressant so hopefully that, in combination with a few lifestyle changes I am going to make, will make a huge difference and I'll finally be able to write again! So, here's to 2017! I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Eve and New Year's Day and enjoy time with your loved ones. 


CHAPTER 27 OF TRADING MISTAKES IS LIVE! It's been was too long, college is kind of insane and I've been so focused on that that this fell by the wayside a little. I kept getting amazing comments asking for updates though, so I finally got it out. I'm glad people are still enjoying this, I definitely still love writing it. I'm in the midst of writing Chapter 28 now so hopefully that won't take long to get up. Happy New Year, maybe this is the year that I finish a book :)