
Happy new year my lovely readers!
          	Happy new year! 
          	May this year bring all of us good experiences which become Happy memories in the future <3 
          	As promised before, I will resume my writing as soon as possible, but I will need some time since this is one of the most important exams for my academic life. 
          	I hope to share many stories with you and am very happy for your comments. 
          	Have a nice day <3 


Happy new year my lovely readers!
          Happy new year! 
          May this year bring all of us good experiences which become Happy memories in the future <3 
          As promised before, I will resume my writing as soon as possible, but I will need some time since this is one of the most important exams for my academic life. 
          I hope to share many stories with you and am very happy for your comments. 
          Have a nice day <3 


As 2024 is nearing it's end, I would like to thank each and everyone of you guys who had showed my stories love and appreciation. I absolutely loved and enjoyed reading your comments as much as I enjoyed writing the stories. It has been a great year. 
          My promises for the next year:~
          ~I will be more active for sure. 
          ~I will complete 'Long lost mafia's princess'
          ~I will start a new story
          I have many exciting stories in mind and am very excited to share it with you all. 
          Thank you for the great year!
          Have a nice day<3


Hello everyone. 
          As you know I have been very inactive throughout the year and I sincerely apologize for that. 
          I am an indian student studying in tenth grade which is a crucial part of my academic life which is why I have not been active enough on this platform. I will try to update more chapters here and there but I will be back on track once my exams are over which unfortunately will be by mid march. 
          One thing you guys never have to worry about is that I will NEVER leave any of my stories in the middle and will always complete them no matter what. 
          I'm thankful for all of your love and patience. 
          Again I am sorry for being so inactive. 
          Have a nice day <3


          Hey everyone! First of all, thank you everyone who read my stories, vote and comment on them, I love reading your comments so so much. 
          Now as you can see I have three books uploaded on my account  'Long lost mafia's princess' 'Our bond' and 'She was his'. 
          I will be deleting my third book 'She was his' as I have changed my mind on It's story line, I will write it again once I'm finished with my current books. 
          Currently I'm writing two books, 'Long lost mafia's princess' and 'our bond', and I absolutely love writing them. 
          As I'm in tenth grade now (India) It is very important for me to focus on my studies. But I will continue to write both of my books. 
          My plan is to update each books on sunday, because that's the only time I get free. I will be able to update one book per sunday which means it will take one book two weeks to get an update. 
          I know it's not a lot but I'll try my best. 
          So basically, as I updated 'Long lost mafia's princess' Today, the coming sunday I will Update 'Our bond' And the next sunday I will again Update 'Long lost mafia's princess' and it will go on like that until my tenth grade is completed. I will get vacations after that which means I will be able to update more frequently. 
          Please bare with me till then 
          Have a nice day <3


'Our bond' has surpassed 10k reads on Wattpad!
          Thank you all so so so so much for the nice comments, reading all your comments always makes me smile and writing this story makes me very happy! Well the updates though would not be as fast as some of you all may want because, I am Indian and in tenth grade, for those who don't know this grade is one of the most important one and I need to study hard to get good marks, I will try to update once in every few weeks, but I will try to be more active when I'm finished with my tenth grade which will be by april-may 2025 
          Thank you all for being so patient with me 
          Have a nice day <3


'Long lost mafia's princess' surpassed 30k Reads on Wattpad!! 
          Oh my gawsh 
          I am so happy right now, sorry to keep you guys waiting. I will try to publish the next chapter by tomorrow to say after tomorrow. 
          Thank you for all of your votes and reads! I am very great ful for your support!
          Have a nice day <3 


@PandaGirlFanfics  Please.... Post the next part of it was so interesting please post the next part very soon 


'Long lost mafia's princess' surpassed 1k votes!!!
          Oh my goshhhh, i can't believe it!! I am so thankful. It's feels so good seeing all of your comments, thanks for all the support i really appreciate it. I hope you will like the upcoming chapters as well as we are getting into the spicy part of the story. 
          Thanks everyone
          Have a nice day <3 


I never even noticed that 'our bond' fanfic had already surpassed 500 reads! Thank you all for the support and the lovely comments. I hope you will show the same support for 'our bond' as you showed in 'long lost mafia's princess' ❤️


@PandaGirlFanfics congrats gurl!!! *clapping*