Hey everyone! First of all, thank you everyone who read my stories, vote and comment on them, I love reading your comments so so much.
Now as you can see I have three books uploaded on my account 'Long lost mafia's princess' 'Our bond' and 'She was his'.
I will be deleting my third book 'She was his' as I have changed my mind on It's story line, I will write it again once I'm finished with my current books.
Currently I'm writing two books, 'Long lost mafia's princess' and 'our bond', and I absolutely love writing them.
As I'm in tenth grade now (India) It is very important for me to focus on my studies. But I will continue to write both of my books.
My plan is to update each books on sunday, because that's the only time I get free. I will be able to update one book per sunday which means it will take one book two weeks to get an update.
I know it's not a lot but I'll try my best.
So basically, as I updated 'Long lost mafia's princess' Today, the coming sunday I will Update 'Our bond' And the next sunday I will again Update 'Long lost mafia's princess' and it will go on like that until my tenth grade is completed. I will get vacations after that which means I will be able to update more frequently.
Please bare with me till then
Have a nice day <3