Ok so with everything that's happening in the news I'm really scared. I'm scared for my familys safety, I'm scared for my safety and I'm scared for everyone elses safety. I'm horrified that something so disgusting and stupid can make someone think that it's ok to think of another human as a lesser being. I'm horrified that it can make someone think that it's ok to arrest someone because of their skin colour. I'm horrified that it can make murdering someone in cold blood seem like an ok thing to do. Every October we celebrate black history month and although I love celebrating people like me I pray for the day when we dont have to celebrate anymore. When we dont have to celebrate because everyone knows how amazing we are and how much we've accomplished despite everything that's been thrown at us. When we dont have to celebrate because we might finally be equal to everyone else. Racism isnt gone no matter how much you pretend it is. Racism is still happening all over the world every single day. So is sexism and homophobia and discrimination. Just because you sign a piece of paper doesnt mean that the problems go away. Just because you make it illegal doesnt mean it wont continue to happen. This planet is full of human beings and we all deserve to be treated as such.