
If you guys saw a random update late last night for my Naruto One-Shots book that was a mistake  I was editing the chapter and when I went to click 'Preview' I accidentally clicked 'Publish'. So sorry about that. The chapter is edited and up now so you can go check it out if you want. Its shorter than my other chapters but decently long. 


Pretty sure I follow you on instagram and I accidently found u and this is rlly embarrassing if this is the wrong person but if you're who I think you are then I luv ur art so fuccing much okbye


@someonesendhelplease Sorry to make it embarrassing but yeah I don't post my art on Instagram  I think you have the wrong person lol 


If you guys saw a random update late last night for my Naruto One-Shots book that was a mistake  I was editing the chapter and when I went to click 'Preview' I accidentally clicked 'Publish'. So sorry about that. The chapter is edited and up now so you can go check it out if you want. Its shorter than my other chapters but decently long. 


As I've said before: I try to follow back everyone that follows me but there's a limited number of people you can follow; I've reached that number. 
          So I do apologize if I can't follow back my followers. I try to unfollow some users that aren't following me and that I don't read from as much but its really hard to find them considering how much people I've followed.