
The comments you guys leave literally make my day 


Geez, I'm getting old (15 lol)
          So....GOOD NEWS. I'm back and I guess you could say I've improved on my writing. But bad news: I'm still not going to continue my stories
          Others will. 
          Hopefully, they do a good job and the stories turn out well. I'd hate to disappoint so many of you readers so forgive me for being gone for so long.
          <3 <3 <3


Holy shiitake mushrooms! So many of you guys have voted on my stories. I've only been away for 4 days and I've already had 68 notifications. (I'm so happy I could cry)
          Thanks so much!! XD 
          As a special gift for my followers should I write a second book of ReaderXLen??? Hmm...