
I'm debating redesigning the cover of The Safe Haven book. I made it quite a long time ago and I feel like it needs an upgrade. What do you all think? Should I make a new one or do we like the current one?


Not me working on two books at the same time. I'll get writer's block for one and then start writing the other. I guess it works and at least I'm being productive but it sucks when I can't get done with either of the chapters of my book at the moment because I keep getting ideas for the other book mid-writing session.


Posting updates on The Safe Haven tomorrow! So watch out for that! 
          Sorry I’ve been MIA for so long! I got sick for 2 weeks and was on Antibiotics for so long (still am). Like I don’t remember being that sick in a long time. Also I’m back in college now so I had to get through week one of classes sick. Anyway I’m glad to be feeling better now and I can finally update my books. I’m really excited to write more because I finally also have an outline made (imagine that) for this book. I kinda have been going on what feels right in the moment of writing but now I have a plannnnnn (again imagine thattttt) 


@Pandaplayz2411 Also I hope you get better


@Pandaplayz2411 OMG I'M EXCITED! thank youuuuuu!