
HELLO LOVELY FOLLOWERS♡♡♡ i wanted to announce that I have switched accounts. I feel like the current one I have is very immature and messy and I just needed a new page to write on. So .. go follow BazaareOranges! My new account i adore very much :3. I'll be writing stories on that account but I don't really have any ideas right now so DM me? I haven't really practice my writing skills but im t r y i n g.


HELLO LOVELY FOLLOWERS♡♡♡ i wanted to announce that I have switched accounts. I feel like the current one I have is very immature and messy and I just needed a new page to write on. So .. go follow BazaareOranges! My new account i adore very much :3. I'll be writing stories on that account but I don't really have any ideas right now so DM me? I haven't really practice my writing skills but im t r y i n g.


Oml it's so humid in Porto Rico, my eyes are sweating I'm cooking rn. This is not good for me. 


lol it be like dat sometimes, here. 
            *Gives rope, chair, & bleach* 
            Ya know, just in case the plan doesn't work out.


this message may be offensive
@Pandoratheboss this is fucking old, buy me a rope & chair


@Pandoratheboss  ok good luck with the taste