
I’m slightly abandoning this account, I will not be posting the new account name. If I feel comfortable enough to post the account name that will happen but for now there will be minor updates to this account. If you’re someone I know in real life don’t beg for the account name I won’t give it to you.


I’m slightly abandoning this account, I will not be posting the new account name. If I feel comfortable enough to post the account name that will happen but for now there will be minor updates to this account. If you’re someone I know in real life don’t beg for the account name I won’t give it to you.


Hey y’all I’m planning to write a book in the future yay!! I just need to finish up some lore and backstory of characters. It’s going to be about supercontinents like Pangaea and others I have three so far. (It’s kinda like countryhumans, country will be mentioned and stuff)