
hehehe my salary got raised and so my mom told me to enjoy the money at least this month (since it was lower before and I was trying to save as much as possible... even though it didn't work out as well as I hoped but I still did save something at least). therefore, I have a vacation reserved for next weekend on the other side of my country and... aaaa I just bought myself tickets for Tate McRae's concert! plus, I got tickets for Dua Lipa as my Christmas gift! so this year, I will not only go to my first concert ever but then I will visit another one just three weeks later hihihi. sadly, no k-pop groups that I stan are performing in my country but at least I can go to those events and see singers that I love perform live still :3
          	just wanted to share this because I don't get to treat myself like this often
          	I hope you guys are doing great! if you wanna, you can share your experiences with me as well - let them be better or worse, I don't care, I just wanna hear how you're doing (;
          	please, take care and watch out for yourselves. love you all, my beautiful angels <3
          	yours shining bright as a starry night,
          	 ★ Night's Lady


@GimAgim thank you! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡


@Pani_noci  Uhh, that sounds like great information! Very good! You deserve it, naww. Have fun!


hehehe my salary got raised and so my mom told me to enjoy the money at least this month (since it was lower before and I was trying to save as much as possible... even though it didn't work out as well as I hoped but I still did save something at least). therefore, I have a vacation reserved for next weekend on the other side of my country and... aaaa I just bought myself tickets for Tate McRae's concert! plus, I got tickets for Dua Lipa as my Christmas gift! so this year, I will not only go to my first concert ever but then I will visit another one just three weeks later hihihi. sadly, no k-pop groups that I stan are performing in my country but at least I can go to those events and see singers that I love perform live still :3
          just wanted to share this because I don't get to treat myself like this often
          I hope you guys are doing great! if you wanna, you can share your experiences with me as well - let them be better or worse, I don't care, I just wanna hear how you're doing (;
          please, take care and watch out for yourselves. love you all, my beautiful angels <3
          yours shining bright as a starry night,
           ★ Night's Lady


@GimAgim thank you! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡


@Pani_noci  Uhh, that sounds like great information! Very good! You deserve it, naww. Have fun!


Ohněm proti ohni má už 10K přečtení?! děkuji vám moc, moji nádherní andílci!
          ten příběh pro mě hodně znamená - přece jenom jsem jeho psaním a poté opravováním strávila spoustu času a považuji ho za své nejlepší dílo doposud. jsem proto moc ráda, že se vám tak líbí :3
          děkuji moc všem za čtení, hlasy i komentáře. jsem za vaši podporu hrozně vděčná <33
          ještě jednou děkuji mockrát
          Vaše zářivá jako hvězda,
           ★ Paní noci


@Ome_Alex awww děkuji moc <33


Stále můj nejoblíbenější příběh ! Už jsme ho četla mnohokrát a ještě mockrát si ho přečíst chci :D
            Naprosto ho zbožňuji a miluji <3


happy Valentine's Day to all of you, my beautiful angels!
          whether you do celebrate it or not, whether you get to spend it with someone or not, enjoy this day and take great care of yourselves <33
          yours shining bright as a starry night,
           ★ Night's Lady


@Pani_noci  I'm glad you're better. And of course!<3


@GimAgim I am better, yes. thanks for being nice <3


@Pani_noci  Oh, yes okay. I mean, it's not so nice that you were sick (I hope you're better already), but being able to do whatever you want in your own room sounds nice, yes.


hello, my beautiful angels,
          how are you all doing? please, tell me, I'm curious. I've not checked up on you all for a while so I want to catch up :3
          in the meantime, I want to share some things because I don't really feel like doing this on Instagram or such (plus, I can't because some of my colleagues follow me there and so they shouldn't know about some of these things)
          so, to start off - I've been single for almost half a year for the first time in the past three or four years (I was in three relationships only, don't worry, I'm not jumping straight from one to the other but I don't think I had a break this long in between, either) and... it honestly feels amazing.
          I'm going to the gym a lot so my muscles are showing and I'm working on myself mentally as well, trying to be more content with my life. I for example have been on a caffeine detox! not gonna lie, for a person who's been addicted since 14 years old, it's a struggle. I tried many times before but now, I'm trying to actually keep it real and I've been succeeding so far! I'm also trying to eat and mainly eat better. I used to have huge problems with ed so I'm glad I now enjoy food and love eating


@Pani_noci  Kinda feel that, haha xD.
            Of course! Endless support and love goes out hehe. Naww, you too though <33
            Yes, that's okay. Don't rush or stress yourself there. You'll figure it out just right when the time comes.
            Thank you so much. We will see^^
            You're so welcome. But also thank you for all of your nice and cute words <33


@GimAgim I'd have sworn I already responded to this (':
            anyways, I wanted to thank you for all of your nice words and neverending support and love. you're really sweet and an angel <33
            I honestly don't have an idea where would I like to go yet. I will try to figure everything out later on, I guess
            I hope you will accomplish all of your dreams also. you deserve it so much :3
            thank you for everything again <33


Oh myyy T^T I wanna read this all properly. I'll come back when I have enough of time to give you proper attention, sweetheart~ I might reply in the chat on laptop in couple of days if there is a lot to say hehe.. lav youuu♡


I sadly can't see your short story. Could you send me a link whenever you have time? Thanks <3
          I hope you'll have a good day.


@Pani_noci  Ahh yes, I wasn't sure. But thanks!


@GimAgim it's not a newly published thing so no surprise you can't find it. it's the very last chapter in Stories lost in the collision of colours. I'll try tagging you in the comments (;


hello, my beautiful angels!
          I know I kind of threw "Stories lost in the collision of colours" into its end myself but I've decided to come back to writing short poems and stories and I want to start publishing them again. so in case you're interested, there are a few new ones awaiting you already :3
          sorry for ignoring it for so long, I had a lot going on (including some trauma which you will most probably catch up on in there as well, sorry for that in advance) and was working on a bigger project. I'm sure I've already mentioned that one here like a year and a half ago but it's still got a lot to go through before I will start releasing the first chapters. I at least hope you will still be as patient as you have been for so long with me because I'm spending hours and hours by my pc, typing into my keyboard to create something I dare to call another great story of mine (the first one is sadly in my native language so some of you can't read it and even though I did contemplate on that idea many times, I don't think I'm gonna translate it since I've got so many ideas stored in my mind already to work on)
          so far, I hope you all are having an amazing time through the Holidays! if you happen to be sick just like me, please take care and give yourselves some time to relax. and to all of you - I love you soooo much <33
          yours shining bright as the starry night,
          ★ Night's Lady


@Pani_noci  Oh okay. That's kinda interesting though. But you will figure that out, I bet!
            Don't talk it down, okay? If it affects you of course that's bad. I just hope you'll get better and will be able to struggle less because of it again in the future. A trauma isn't something nice, but I hope you'll come out of it stronger afterwards. I know you are strong and you can do it. But remember you're not alone.
            Of course! The first thing is just something that can help a lot and therefore I definitely get it. The second thing is absolutely your decision as the author of the book anyway. And I definitely also get that you rather wanna proceed with your other books than be stuck on translating one that already exists. <3
            Okay, sounds good. I hope that will help. Sure thing. I will definitely try <33


@GimAgim my problem is that I spend a lot of time writing but little publishing so I want to somehow change that. I hope I'll manage to figure it all out
            I'm trying my best. it wasn't the best of things to experience, especially since something similar happened again just a few months ago but I'm trying my best to fight through it all. what are some anxious thoughts gonna do to me in the end, huh xdd
            I'm also glad you're understanding of both me writing about my experience and deciding on not translating the story. thank you so much <33
            I'm going to visit a doctor tomorrow so I hope I will indeed be better soon. thank you again, please take care <33


@Pani_noci  It's okay. Everyone needs their time sometimes. I also don't often update my stuff (aside from some lucky stories) so I feel that.
            Oh no, I hope you're better now. (It's okay, if it somehow helped you that would be nice.) Uhh, very nice. Take your time with that. Of course we will continue waiting!
            Understandable that you decided against translating it.
            I hope the same for you even though you're sick. Get well soon, take care too and relax well! We love you too!<3


merry christmas to all of you, my beautiful angels <333


@Pani_noci  Merry Christmas!