hello, my beautiful angels,
how are you all doing? please, tell me, I'm curious. I've not checked up on you all for a while so I want to catch up :3
in the meantime, I want to share some things because I don't really feel like doing this on Instagram or such (plus, I can't because some of my colleagues follow me there and so they shouldn't know about some of these things)
so, to start off - I've been single for almost half a year for the first time in the past three or four years (I was in three relationships only, don't worry, I'm not jumping straight from one to the other but I don't think I had a break this long in between, either) and... it honestly feels amazing.
I'm going to the gym a lot so my muscles are showing and I'm working on myself mentally as well, trying to be more content with my life. I for example have been on a caffeine detox! not gonna lie, for a person who's been addicted since 14 years old, it's a struggle. I tried many times before but now, I'm trying to actually keep it real and I've been succeeding so far! I'm also trying to eat and mainly eat better. I used to have huge problems with ed so I'm glad I now enjoy food and love eating