hehehe my salary got raised and so my mom told me to enjoy the money at least this month (since it was lower before and I was trying to save as much as possible... even though it didn't work out as well as I hoped but I still did save something at least). therefore, I have a vacation reserved for next weekend on the other side of my country and... aaaa I just bought myself tickets for Tate McRae's concert! plus, I got tickets for Dua Lipa as my Christmas gift! so this year, I will not only go to my first concert ever but then I will visit another one just three weeks later hihihi. sadly, no k-pop groups that I stan are performing in my country but at least I can go to those events and see singers that I love perform live still :3 just wanted to share this because I don't get to treat myself like this often I hope you guys are doing great! if you wanna, you can share your experiences with me as well - let them be better or worse, I don't care, I just wanna hear how you're doing (; please, take care and watch out for yourselves. love you all, my beautiful angels <3 yours shining bright as a starry night, ★ Night's Lady

@Pani_noci Uhh, that sounds like great information! Very good! You deserve it, naww. Have fun!