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Bruh I really need to edit my levi x reader book's chapters. I lowkey feel bad for new readers who have to read that cringeworthy mess. I edited a few chaps when finally finishing the book but there's still some in the middle that have yet to be edited and hOOOOOO bOy. THE AMOUNT OF SPELLING ERRORS AND INCORRECT USAGES OF YOUR AND YOU'RE ARE A T R O C I O U S. I SEND MY DEEPEST APOLOGY TO NEW READERS. I SWEAR MY WRITING ISN'T USUALLY THAT SHIT. I started writing that book when I was like 15/14 so you cam imagine the hot flaming mess those unedited chapters are✨

But I like the Levi x reader book as well as your other ones they are really good but my favorite is the Levi x reader I think you should add more chapters to it but if not that’s okay ✨