
"The Elementals: The Power of Dreams" is now discontinued. My fellow writer has stopped writing chapters completely and we have lost our inspiration. (And no one was really reading it anyway), so what's there is all that's gonna be there unless someone REALLY wants it back, then I might pull some strings.


"The Elementals: The Power of Dreams" is now discontinued. My fellow writer has stopped writing chapters completely and we have lost our inspiration. (And no one was really reading it anyway), so what's there is all that's gonna be there unless someone REALLY wants it back, then I might pull some strings.


NOTE: "The Elementals: The Power of Dreams" is currently on hold due to delays in the writing. However, my other story "family lies" is currently on speed post as I am posting 2 chapters a day now, to make up for the lack of posting for "The Elementals", and I am at 11 of them.  Just though is should let y'all know.


Hey Eddie!! Good luck with your journey of book-ing... (And you shouldn't name yourself @animegeekintraining if you've never watched anime. Just saying.)


@StarlaSunshine oh, I thought you said you shouldn't say your real name. It got cut off. But the reason I called myself @AnimeGeekInTraining is because I like the drawing style. And you know I love art!