Hey darling, how have you been? <333 In a week, it will be 3 years since I made this Wattpad account, and I want to celebrate with you by making a special event. I have a few ideas in mind, but I wanted to ask you: What is something you'd like to read at the moment or to participate in? I'd appreciate your suggestions. I hope I'll hear from you soon! Until then, xoxo! ♡

@little-miss-venus hi. Congratulations on your third year anniversary. Honestly my reading taste had changed quite a lot and I had moved to an entirely different account now. It is @Panda71111. I just logged into this one because I got the mail regarding your comments. So I'm not sure if I'm the right person to give anykind of suggestions. But i do wish you all the very best and once again Congratulations on your third anniversary....