
@MsRight Hello, the school keeps getting in my way no matter how hard I kick it. Aside from that I am well, I finally received the ordered inspirational rain instead of freeting cold :D How about you?


Hey there!! What's up? Long time no "see". :( Just swinging by to tell you that a new chapter has been uploaded to "A Story" and my other gem "The Bet- Maybe I'm Too Impulsive?"!! I know it's been a long time since I wrote anything but I'm trying my best to get back on track and your opinion would do a lot of good. :) Please take a minute or two and check it out- best regards, Cath.


@Panthera - i think this is perhaps a matter of personal taste, but personally I think paragraphs are essential. If you post one long chunk without breaking it up with new lines for speech, new paras for alterations in story and so on you make the reader do it which means they have to work a lot harder to understand the piece of work. 
          Entirely up to you of course, but if you look at all the more "read" works on here you'll probably find that they use that sort of style rather than the other. If you need a hand with that sort of thing, Mera2876 and Abi_Kirk have both posted very useful writing guides that I use a lot. Cheers, Gav


@TheOrangutan Hello,
          thanks for thanking. If anything reasonable comes to my mind that can be transformed into enriching comment, I will surely type it down. In case you have any thoughts about my works, I would be equally glad to hear them voiced. 
          Since you so nicely offered your help: do you consider it important whether the works are written and published in a rather fluid text- Word programme or is it really better when there are all those fancy blank spaces in between every couple of lines?
          Thank you :)


Hi, thanks for fanning, you now have an orange ape for company; please keep a banana on you at all times.
          I hope you enjoy anything of mine you happen to read and I’m always eternally grateful for any feedback in the form of comments, critique, pointing out of minor errors or (if you really enjoy what you have read) the odd vote! 
          In my capacity as a Wattpad Ambassador may I also welcome you to Wattpad. If you have any questions on how anything works or anything else on the vagaries of this site, please feel free to get in touch or follow the link below to the Wattpad Ambassadors page. There’s also a useful link to the ‘Writertips’ which you might find handy.
          Hope you have a good time on here,
          Cheers, Gav