Farm and Laura passing notes in class (from "Cookies and Kittens" by KittyKarnstein96 on Ao3):
Laur a: No, you don't look crap just tired. I worry about you, Carm
Carm: There's no need, I'm fine. Besides, you should worry about Mr Bennett. He looks like an ugly toad, I'm pretty certain that his eyes may bulge out, at any minute
Laura had to bite back a laugh as she read Carmilla's response. Quickly writing one back, passing it to Carmilla with a smirk.
I thought, he looked different... ribbit
You're a dork
At least I'm not, a frog?!
Carmilla bent over the paper. Starting to sketch something that Laura couldn't see and after a couple of minutes of watching, Carmilla's tongue peak out in concentration Laura grabbed the paper.
She couldn't help it. She couldn't help but let out a loud belly laugh, as she looked at what Carmilla had drawn; a picture of Mr Bennett crossed with a frog. His eyes buldged out and his frogs legs came to hold his hideous tie. Topped with his curly hair, hiding some more frog like features that Carmilla had included.
This, was what set Carmilla off and they were both laughing. Desperately trying to hide the paper, when he came over. An action that would have been successful: had it not have been for Carmilla, whispering the word 'ribbit' for only Laura to hear. Setting the blonde into a fit of giggles.
They both received detention; for not paying attention in class, note passing and mocking a member of staff.