
Hello all!
          	I am getting my butt kicked at work and having a hard time teaching and writing. I will need to take a creative break for a while. 
          	I will also be starting my Master's Degree in the next few weeks so that is going to be time consuming as well. 
          	I hope you understand. 
          	Thanks to those who've been reading. 


Hello all!
          I am getting my butt kicked at work and having a hard time teaching and writing. I will need to take a creative break for a while. 
          I will also be starting my Master's Degree in the next few weeks so that is going to be time consuming as well. 
          I hope you understand. 
          Thanks to those who've been reading. 


Hello all!
          I have made changes to my chapter "A Strange Arrival". It is no longer called that and the content has changed entirely! It is now called "Unfortunate Circumstance" and goes a completely different route, hopefully one that will end up being more interesting.


@Paouruna I am excited to see what its about! :3


Hey, Paouruna! O think your new cover is pretty awesome, and I understand not wanting to use a generated book cover, and I hope that other people like it too!


@Paouruna you are welcome! I think that the new cover is awesome, and I think others will enjoy it too!


@Sight44 thank you! I appreciate the support. 


Hello all! 
          I made some much needed edits to my story and also made (instead of generated) a cover.
          I never realized how much bad flack my cover could be getting so I hope the one I made is loved.
          Please enjoy the edits and the new cover, I am working on the next chapter that may actually end up replacing "A Strange Arrival" rather than coming after it. 


Hey followers and all visitors, I just want you to know that I am going to be updating Shadows of Faith on a weekly basis on Sundays! This seems the most manageable as I am teaching during the week. 
          Thank you for the support I have already received and I hope you enjoy my story.


Hello! I would like to thank you for following me, by adding another follower to your list! I know how hard it is to gain followers, so I like to give back to mine, especially when they're either just barely starting out or don't have many followers. :D I read your user description, and find what you are doing absolutely WONDERFUL! Many teens such as myself have a hard time finding books that are appropriate and fun for readers their age. So thank you for adding another book to the list for young readers! I hope you have a wonderful New Year!


:D I don't mind talking about personal life online as long as it doesn't have too much information in case others see the conversation. :) I'm gonna go to bed now. Just got home after a 2 1/2 hour car ride. Goodnight, Runa!


@Ko0ky_ I knew that, haha! I just didn't want to say it online in case you didn't want me to! Thanks Ria ☺️


@Paouruna @GSJessop mentioned to me that you're her aunt. I'm also her aunt! I'm Warner's sister. You can call me either Kooky or Ria. :D