I moved to @Smokeeybee and might actually make actual fanfics! I’m sorry but I can’t really do this account anymore so no more memes for a long time! Thank you! <3
I moved to @Smokeeybee and might actually make actual fanfics! I’m sorry but I can’t really do this account anymore so no more memes for a long time! Thank you! <3
I wanna do some Sketch Art Trades so if anyone open to trade ✨
** I only have Transformers characters!
*** I can draw Transformers, Human(iod)s, and Animals!
Art Examples: https://www.deviantart.com/spicyrod/gallery/all
If your wondering what a Art Trade is:
Art Trades- The name is pretty explainable in itself. But what happens is that two or more people agree to make art for each other, on the understanding that the other person will make an art piece for them. The details of said trade can vary greatly depending on the people, and sometimes journals asking for art trades will pop up!
@ilovejazz223 because they're fucking cool lmao And people should try some more stuff like Mnemosurgeons, Empuratas, Metallurgist, theoretician, etc other than Primes, Scouts, Wreakers, Police/Guards, etc. Need some more variety lol
the fact that you have a bunch of views on your awesome meme book and not a lot on your art book when you're a great artist, pains me, also the fact that you don't have near enough followers.
so, later I'll log into my other 2 accounts and follow you. I really like the wip of misguided!!
anyway, have a great day!❤