Alright. Helloo. I had a good break. A much needed break that included writing, netflixing [Funny how all I did was watch Kdrama and anime(whispers* the animes on Netflix are...) on Netflix], viki-ing (started seeing some some C-dramas, and they are cute. The romance ones are, the ones in the mystery genres are... awesome, amazing. I only saw one but if it's anything to go by, then yaay).
What did I really want to say in this message?
Ah yes. I had a good break and I'll be uploading new chapters of The Cult starting next week. We get to find out more about Ence and Fay's real father (*coughs as much as finding out means here and there, this and that). How Isshin joined the Cult, etc, blah blah, and of course we get to see Art being...honest? Is honest the word? Among other things. So as usual, two chapters per week. I think. I hope. I'll pray about it, or I'll just not be lazy. Whichever comes first.
Thank you for reading. The only important thing I said is in the last paragraph, lol. This is why I can't be the captain of a ship. I'd probably get everyone killed by veering off course into... Bye.