
I wish everyday as I travel down these highway people will understand more about commercial drivers, how our equipment operates, we can't  stop that equipment on a drop of an dime, how when we are trying to get over, allow us to do so. I am hoping one day for a change on our highways to make it safer for us as drivers. I will update daily  about my traveles thru the either United States and thru dangerous weather conditions as well as down uncontrolling speed grades. It's my life, my choice and my experience as a rookie truck driver and my life on the highways of the United States.


I wish everyday as I travel down these highway people will understand more about commercial drivers, how our equipment operates, we can't  stop that equipment on a drop of an dime, how when we are trying to get over, allow us to do so. I am hoping one day for a change on our highways to make it safer for us as drivers. I will update daily  about my traveles thru the either United States and thru dangerous weather conditions as well as down uncontrolling speed grades. It's my life, my choice and my experience as a rookie truck driver and my life on the highways of the United States.