
After publishing an important announcement in my most-read book and thanking my friends who have been involved in writing that book, I would like to thank two other very special people. They do not read my books and are not involved in any way in them so for that reason I have not thanked them in my announcement but they have done very much for me as a person so it felt wrong to leave them out. It's simply impossible not to mention them because they have done a whole lot for me on a personal level. That's why I have decided to thank them in this way. 
          	@PrincessQueenZ, thank you for everything: for writing all of your amazing, meaningful books and most of all for being my friend. 
          	Everyone who does not know who @PrincessQueenZ are, I would like to encourage to take a look at their profile. It's filled with many amazing books about Little Mix which in my opinion are some of the best books on here. I know that is a bold claim since there are many great books on Wattpad but @PrincessQueenZ's are by far my personal favourites. In short, if you love Little Mix, their profile and their books are definitely worth checking out!


Hi girl! Sorry I couldn’t reply to your DM sooner:( Now the chat is deleted


            I don't have your email anymore but I have made one so that you can message me:


do you still have my email? we could message each other there. I lost yours unfortunately:(


After publishing an important announcement in my most-read book and thanking my friends who have been involved in writing that book, I would like to thank two other very special people. They do not read my books and are not involved in any way in them so for that reason I have not thanked them in my announcement but they have done very much for me as a person so it felt wrong to leave them out. It's simply impossible not to mention them because they have done a whole lot for me on a personal level. That's why I have decided to thank them in this way. 
          @PrincessQueenZ, thank you for everything: for writing all of your amazing, meaningful books and most of all for being my friend. 
          Everyone who does not know who @PrincessQueenZ are, I would like to encourage to take a look at their profile. It's filled with many amazing books about Little Mix which in my opinion are some of the best books on here. I know that is a bold claim since there are many great books on Wattpad but @PrincessQueenZ's are by far my personal favourites. In short, if you love Little Mix, their profile and their books are definitely worth checking out!


I love your writing and the new chapter you just posted. I felt bad for Perrie in that embarrassing position. But I love your books, and cant  wait for you to update part 2❤❤❤❤. Keep doing what you love and I will always support. Fighting!!!❤


            Thank you so much, that means a lot! ❤❤
            I'm very sorry for the late response, for some reason I only see your message now but I really appreciate it!