Hey there everyone, been months since I last checked in. Okay, so, a quick status update I guess is in order. Vivi Deep, getting rewritten. Along with Vivi, I have made about five or more detective, all of which will star in their own cases and each with their own powers. Now, as usual, I like to hear what you guys think so whenever you feel like saying something tell me. So, right now the status for my detectives is as follows. Vivi - stand by, Lightning Detective - work in progress, may be delayed, Spirit Detective - work in progress, may be delayed, Paper Detective - Stand by, Cybernetic Detective - Planning stage, Amateur Normal Detective - Still pondering, and as for my other stories, if I get stuff on, I will post them. Also, I have a blog now which will be excerpts of my life and some thoughts about the works I am working on, so, if you want to see what is either delaying the story or what is on my mind, check it out here http://paperfan1.wordpress.com/ I also want to state, for a friend of mine, thank you for your help. While I had been englectant to get my work done, she has been pushing me to get back in the saddle. So, thanks to her, I am back in the saddle, if I can put down the xbox controller and pick up my laptop more often. So, hope to hear from you soon.
- Paperfan