I Solemnly Swear That I am up to no Good...

I have actually given up on this website, but follow me anyways.

Hello children!
JLM here.
Queen of Paradoxes.
The main Mayne.

I am the fabricator of a million realms, universes, stories, fantasies, and lives, all of whom dwell within my head.

I have been told I'm (drumroll please)... shy, perky, kind, independent, one-with-nature, stubborn, silly, athletic, airhead, down to earth, awkward, tomboy, lazy, introvert, outgoing, a control freak, a perfect friend, quiet, a geek, natural born leader, smart... So, yeah, I'll leave you to judge.

It's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.
I am a high functioning sociopath. Do your research.
May the odds ever be in your favor.
I don't understand that reference.
Slytherclaw and Thunderbird.
Agent of SHEILD (level four).
Granddaughter of Hades and a Hunter of Artemis
Phil trash #2 (Dan stole my spot).
Blue Ajah.
Dragon Rider.
I like your shoelaces.
Peggy Carter is my role model.
Basically as big as a fangirl as Phil Coulson.

*Sings* I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ....

I am extremely fluent in both English and sarcasm, plus a little Spanish.

Music is my life. I take voice lessons and play both the piano and the flute. I could give you a list of all my favorite artists, musicians and such, but I won't bother. The list would be ridiculously long.

I appreciate you taking the time to read all of this. I absolutely love to write and will do anything for my followers. PM me anytime! If anyone gives me comments or constructive criticism, I will be indebted to them forever and sell them my soul...

Bye marshmallows (calling you followers makes you sound like stalkers).
Mic Drop-

...Mischief Managed...
  • انضمApril 16, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة
Paradox_Queen Paradox_Queen Dec 14, 2016 04:46PM
I have basicly just given up on wattpad.
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