
Guys I actually posted something again, which feels weird as hell after so long (and a little terrifying XD). 
          	So if you’re interested in a Hannibal fanfic (this was not my original project this got added a few days ago) then you can check out Hell is More than Half of Paradise by me, paranoia_rising, on Archive of Our Own. I also have a link, though I’m not certain how well it’ll work lol


Guys I actually posted something again, which feels weird as hell after so long (and a little terrifying XD). 
          So if you’re interested in a Hannibal fanfic (this was not my original project this got added a few days ago) then you can check out Hell is More than Half of Paradise by me, paranoia_rising, on Archive of Our Own. I also have a link, though I’m not certain how well it’ll work lol


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Holy shit, What Happened In Paris is up to 3k reads???? That was a surprise to come back on the app to XD
          Still working through writers block rn, but! I am making progress. Once I work through the burn out from my college classes and the two essays I had to finish very quickly I’ll hopefully get back to working on my current project, which may make its way onto Ao3 at some point in the hopefully near-ish future. I’m still trying to figure out if I want to just finish the story first, or if I want to break it up into chapters. It’ll probably be uploaded sooner if I decide on chapters, and if I decide to upload it all at once it’ll take a bit. So fun things in store hopefully!
          Also may be posting a fun satirical description of volcanoes using abo dynamics, because I made a stupid joke about a volcano being in heat while going insane writing an essay. So if anyone is interested in coming along on that wild and stupid journey with me let me know, because encouragement may get that written faster / at all lmao 


@Paranoia_Rising What Happened in Paris is one of The Best. It's a good idea to copy it over to ao3. You could even put it on Inkitt


I’m also considering moving What Happened In Paris to ao3. Not taking it off of here, but just also moving it there as well. Idk how active the Sanders Sides fandom is there anymore, but it’s just definitely the best thing I’ve ever written.


Well I haven’t been here in a hot minute XD
          Just updating people, I probably won’t do any more Sanders Sides content anymore, though I am playing around with writing again. I had another super sad idea that I’m trying to work up the motivation to write, and I’m also currently finding (slightly) more motivation to write another story that’s less sad as a whole but with a very mysterious vibe. 
          I won’t give away too much yet so I don’t create expectations and ruin my slight creative break, but hey, potential things in the future. Those two stories will probably be posted on Ao3, but if there’s enough interest I might cross post them here as well. If I ever manage to finish them, that is lol


@ZaralettaBee My ao3 is the exact same as here, paranoia_rising. I don’t have anything posted yet, but maybe soon if I can get over my writer’s block XD


@Paranoia_Rising Hello fellow ao3 user! I too haven’t been here in forever. RIP sander sides maybe one day it’ll revive some more. What’s your ao3? I’d love to check it out :))


They’ve all been posted! (Refer to my last message if you don’t know what that means lol)
          I posted any that I had writing done on, including those where chapters were unfinished. I’ll list them here to avoid confusion:
          *Demon Hunting for the Totally Unqualified
          *Wonderland Falling
          *Death’s Child
          *The Foundation
          *Escape The Game
          *Bittersweet Crimson
          *The Sorrow In Silence
          *Bloody Roses
          Hope you enjoy the pieces behind the scenes! 


@Paranoia_Rising I opened Wattpad to receive alot of notifications from you HELP 


Okay, so while I was back on here I saw several of my old story drafts that I started but never finished or posted. Though they will never be finished, I’ve decided that I’m going to post them. Call it my last hurrah, but I want to share what was going on in the background, and what never made it past the drawing board.
          HOWEVER, I still really like some of these ideas, just maybe not as fanfiction. So I may revamp some of them and post them on ao3 eventually. Maybe. There’s no promising that, since writing is still a tentative thing for me, but it’s an eventual plan if everything works out and my writing gears start turning again. For now, I can say goodbye to my fanfiction days and leave you with the pieces I forgot existed, but loved no less. I won’t spoil the endings in case I do revamp them, but I would still love to hear your thoughts about the ideas themselves.


@Paranoia_Rising, that's fine. Everyone goes through changes. I'm glad to know you'll still be around 


@strazydaze Not fully, just from writing. I’ll still pop on here every once in a while to check what’s happening. As much as I love writing, and as much as I loved writing here, I know that at least at the moment I can’t do this. I think I turned a page without realizing it, and now I’m looking back and wondering when I flipped it. It’s bittersweet, but I think for now not writing is what I have to do. I’ll always be thankful for your support. You truly are a joy to talk to


@Paranoia_Rising, LUCY, you're leaving us? Now, I'm gonna cry


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Back for a minute, and holy shit WHY IS EVERYTHING SQUARE?!
          Anyway, hello again. Sorry I haven’t been around much, but I don’t know if I’ll be posting any more on here. I think I was quite burned out for a while, and I took a very long break from writing. I only started writing again recently, but I’m not sure if I’ll post anything here. I may start posting on Ao3. I might not post anything at all, and just allow my writing to be my own for once. The anonymity is great, but… oh well. That’s a conversation for another day. Hope you’re all doing well.


My account uses the same username, paranoia_rising lol. There’s only one thing on there currently, and I plan to archive it because I don’t think I’ll continue it, but maybe I’ll have something up eventually.
            *What Happened In Paris is probably my favorite piece I’ve written. A lot of my own internal conflict went into writing it, and it will always have my love. I’m glad that you enjoyed it as well!


@Paranoia_Rising, I don't have your ao3 account. I don't get on a lot cause my phone hates it for some reason & I'm usually doing something when I'm on the computer. However, I would love to at least bookmark your account.
            *Btw, What Happened in Paris will probably always be the book that makes me cry the most. It was absolutely superb


Hello dearest followers. 
          Now, maybe you don’t take as much of a chance on regular stories as fanfiction, but I have a favor to ask of you. My wonderful cousin had recently started writing a story, and I kindly ask you to give it a chance and check it out. I think it has a lot of potential, and I hope that you’ll enjoy it. It would mean the world to me, especially since it’s harder for original stories to get attention, and even harder if you don’t collect readers from fanfiction first. So if you could give his story a chance it would mean the world to me. Thank you lovelies


@Paranoia_Rising, my child introduced me to Thomas & then to fanfic. It was the same for them - something to do during the beginning of the pandemic.
            Now, they don't read any & I have become a slave to prinxiety. Lolz


@strazydaze Thank you lovely human. I can admit that I also did most of my fanfic reading/writing during and after the pandemic. It was a good way to pass the time when I wasn’t busy reading other books lol.


The next chapter of Dementophobia sadly has to be delayed until next week. As much as I’d like to write it right now, school is a little hectic since I only have one day left, and I don’t have the time to give the next chapter the effort that it deserves. This hopefully will be the last delay until the end of the book.


So I’m going to delay the next chapter of Dementophobia to next week. 
          I’m not sick this time, just a little stressed at the moment and I’m already lacking sleep, so I don’t want to push myself to write when I already know it won’t be easy and I won’t be putting out my best work. 


@Paranoia_Rising completely understandable, you need to take care of yourself first and foremost!