Hello! If you do not know who I am, I am an irl friend of CronCrona_q, if you don’t know who that is, then, hello! I would like to inform you all that I am creating a book called From Whence You Came, it’s a big project that I’m working on, and have already started on the first chapters! However, it will take quite a while to complete, as, well, as said above, it is quite a large project. A release date hasn’t been decided because as I mentioned before, I’ve only just started working on it. So yeah, even though I barely know any of you, I hope you’re all as excited as I am for this to be complete!! Thank you all for taking the time to read this as well! Now if you’d excuse me, I will let you all continue with your day or night, or if your up at 3 in the morning then I would suggest you to get some f*cking sleep(I DONT CARE IF ITS 5PM IN COLUMBIA, COLUMBIA IS NOT YOUR TIMEZONE. Unless if it is, then that’s fine :D).

Also, if you don’t know who CronaCrona_q is, then please do follow them! They are really cool and very funny! (They are also surprisingly a very talented writer, so, if you are interested in ships such as XiaoVen or SaiOuma, then please do check out their books!) And yes, they do write fan fiction, if you dare discriminate or insult them, or any general fanfic writer, I will just shove you in a blender :) TLDR:Follow CronaCrona_q or else. This is not a choice /j