@Paranormal I would find myself in a difficult situation, forced to cross a fragile rope that joins two skyscrapers or perhaps forced to cross an old rope bridge without a handrail that joins the tops of two mountains, separated by an immense precipice.
The abyss, down there, will laugh cynically at me and its voice will echo in the wind, saying: “if you don’t cross, someone important to you will die”. The vertiginously cruel fall will open its cold and ethereal arms to receive me, whispering “come, fall from up there to your death”.
A low blow! Very low! And I would have to cross. There is no other way, because I don’t want to see the death of anyone who is important to me (I am secretly working on an elixir of immortality for such people).
But how can I overcome my fear? Heights... Heights make me dizzy. If I try to cross, I will lose my balance and probably fall before I reach the halfway point. But what “my greatest fear” doesn’t suspect is that I have a solution to face it. A darkly simple solution. It turns out that, once I put on a blindfold, my fear of heights disappears. After all, if I can’t see the height, the drop, the precipice, it would be like crossing the sidewalk. That’s how I overcame my fear of heights on a roller coaster: I rode a roller coaster in the dark, blindfolded, and went down as if I were riding a bike across the yard. A device as simple as a blindfold can prevent us from seeing death right there, within reach, and, truth be told, that’s how we live our entire lives. Isn’t it?