
So i am not looking forward to halloween even tho it is my favourite day of the year well for me halloween is the whole ass month where the whole month i watch halloween movies wether it is a kids halloween movie / classic kids halloween movie a horror movie or just those lovely halloween cartoon type movies( i know some will class that the same as the kids movies but to me i'm separating them)back to what i was say i like the whole binging halloween movie , then decorating my house well the inside so no kids come knocking. i also like  dressing up even tho me and my family are the only one's who will see me and now i'm gonna be dressing up my new lovely dachshund mix cavoodle i also like make halloween styled food and carving pumpkins to make jack-O-lantern's but the one thing i hate is kids coming to my door knocking for candy because to me i don't really do that because i feel bad for parents because they then gotta deal with sugar crazed kids but once the kids all go home at my house we then through a family style halloween party where we listen to halloween songs till they are all done then go to normal music while drinking and having fun. but i'm not looking forward to it because i know even if there is no halloween decorations outside they still bloody knock and they are so loud like let me have my peace and quiet to watch me some halloween movies once halloweens over i'm getting ready for Christmas


i know some people will disagree with me but to each there own were all aloud to have our own opinions if you disagree or agree let me know or don't i wont mind


So i am not looking forward to halloween even tho it is my favourite day of the year well for me halloween is the whole ass month where the whole month i watch halloween movies wether it is a kids halloween movie / classic kids halloween movie a horror movie or just those lovely halloween cartoon type movies( i know some will class that the same as the kids movies but to me i'm separating them)back to what i was say i like the whole binging halloween movie , then decorating my house well the inside so no kids come knocking. i also like  dressing up even tho me and my family are the only one's who will see me and now i'm gonna be dressing up my new lovely dachshund mix cavoodle i also like make halloween styled food and carving pumpkins to make jack-O-lantern's but the one thing i hate is kids coming to my door knocking for candy because to me i don't really do that because i feel bad for parents because they then gotta deal with sugar crazed kids but once the kids all go home at my house we then through a family style halloween party where we listen to halloween songs till they are all done then go to normal music while drinking and having fun. but i'm not looking forward to it because i know even if there is no halloween decorations outside they still bloody knock and they are so loud like let me have my peace and quiet to watch me some halloween movies once halloweens over i'm getting ready for Christmas


i know some people will disagree with me but to each there own were all aloud to have our own opinions if you disagree or agree let me know or don't i wont mind


ok I swear one of my dogs are fat like when i'm eating I give them food I know they can have and I give them the same amount and one of my dogs are that greedy or something because they keep trying to steal the other dogs food then act all good and innocence like I didn't us watch and stop him from stealing the food and then proceeded to beg for food.


I’m not looking forward to tomorrow morning because I got rostered to work but they didn’t even ask if I was available so all my plans and things I have to do is gone down the drain  I’m only meant to work two day now I have to work three until Christmas is over 
          I officially hate Christmas there I said it I now hate Christmas.


ok I just had someone reply to a comment I made on a book age's ago (one week ago) to correct a miss spelling I made and I realise after I sent the comment and cause you can't edit the comment it stayed that way incorrect I know I could of deleted it and rewrite it but I didn't because I was tired and was about to fall asleep when I wrote it. but I hate when they do that like I get it I made a mistake doesn't mean I want people to pull me up on it. like I only do it for the authors that say to comment on the miss spellings in their books to help them find mistakes they made to fix it but other then that if I seen people make mistakes in their comments I don't say anything to them because I don't want to be rude and then I just get this comment correcting me I don't get why that makes me so angry.