
Disappointed is not even the word I can describe with the way I am feeling at this moment. We had an amazing candidate that was qualified for the job and yet, people voted for a man who called Puerto Rico an island of garbage, made fun of disabled people, talked down and disrespected women left and right, considers immigrants criminals, etc. I can go on and on with the things he believes in and the things he has said. But the one thing I find so disappointing is how so many people didn't vote for Kamala was because of her gender. Because she is a woman. This country will never see a woman becoming president and this election, plus the election in 2016 has proven it. Kamala Harris did an amazing job and did the best she could but the American people failed her and failed our country. I will just say that to those who did vote for that man, I hope you guys are happy with the decision and if things goes left, I do not want to hear anybodies mouth because you guys wanted this. I hope these next 4 years won't be a destruction to our democracy.


Disappointed is not even the word I can describe with the way I am feeling at this moment. We had an amazing candidate that was qualified for the job and yet, people voted for a man who called Puerto Rico an island of garbage, made fun of disabled people, talked down and disrespected women left and right, considers immigrants criminals, etc. I can go on and on with the things he believes in and the things he has said. But the one thing I find so disappointing is how so many people didn't vote for Kamala was because of her gender. Because she is a woman. This country will never see a woman becoming president and this election, plus the election in 2016 has proven it. Kamala Harris did an amazing job and did the best she could but the American people failed her and failed our country. I will just say that to those who did vote for that man, I hope you guys are happy with the decision and if things goes left, I do not want to hear anybodies mouth because you guys wanted this. I hope these next 4 years won't be a destruction to our democracy.


Hey guys!!!
          Just wanted to give you guys a quick little update. I have had a lot of personal things going on at the moment and it has been very tricky to sit down and write. I'm taking time to reflect and putting myself together but it has been pretty rough. I don't really know when I will give you guys an update for Starry Eyes but I am hoping pretty soon. Again, so sorry for the lack of updates and hopefully I will get back to you as soon as possible.