
Welp. My world just came crashing down. 


Hi :)) I'm a big fan of the The Thirst: Hannibal's encounter and The Thirst: Jade's Revenge. It was awesome !! Hope you update fast. I'm excited to know what happened to jade :))) 


@AngelRondael Chapter 1 and 2 have been uploaded. Sorry for the wait. Been feeling a little under the weather.


@Hazel_Lea_Tifiaeh well one thing i know I CANT WAIT <3


Hello :)
            I am glad to hear you are a fan of both stories. I am currently working on the next one, but I am not sure when I will be able to update as I have a lot of things coming up. But I will try to get something up soon. If you would like I can let you know as SOON as a upload the next one. :)


Just wanted to say a hello to my followers new and old. I would also like to say thank you for taking the time out to read one or more of my stories. All that I ask is if you would be to kind as to leave a comment, short or long, about what you like about the story. What you didn't like. So on and so forth. And if you liked it, and know some friends that might enjoy it as well please spread the word. :) Other than that I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening/night.


I've added a few more chapters to my Awakening story. For those of you reading it please let me know what you think and who you would like to see my write about next. Someone from Suku's family? Someone else from Kraehe's family? Or maybe Freya? Let me know by commenting. Hope you all have a nice day :D