
Hi y'all gud eve/mornin' I'm sorry for being inactive lately and also for not updating [Cold Blooded] and up coming [Mizpah] as usual school works and stuff I really cannot guarantee if i can update anytime soon so I hope y'all will wait for me hihi and don't worry I will be back updating once this works of mine finish.
          	Keep safe and always stay healthy everyone!thank u for the endless love and support I will always appreciate each and every one of u mwaa!♡


Hey there love!
          Do you happen to accept book promotions by any chance? :) 
          Apologies!...if I disturbed you in anyway.
          Have an amazing day/night ahead of you!
          Love RihisNation7 ❤️ 


@RihisNation7 I'm sorry for replying just one omg I'm so terrible and um to answer ur question is totally fine to me actually and don't be sorry u didn't disturbed or any of that ur fine<3


Hi y'all gud eve/mornin' I'm sorry for being inactive lately and also for not updating [Cold Blooded] and up coming [Mizpah] as usual school works and stuff I really cannot guarantee if i can update anytime soon so I hope y'all will wait for me hihi and don't worry I will be back updating once this works of mine finish.
          Keep safe and always stay healthy everyone!thank u for the endless love and support I will always appreciate each and every one of u mwaa!♡


Thanks for adding my baby, The Cafe to your reading list. Have a great day, keep smiling, stay safe and happy reading <3 I hope you enjoy!
          Btw, I highly recommend reading The Royal Patron if you're an army. It's a new writing style I'm experimenting with—which has worked out pretty well. I hope you give it a shot. It's worth it. 


@_arushiganla Omg I'm sorry I just saw this rn I was very inactive this past few weeks/months i don't even remember but I truly love ur work keep up the gud work!Also I will be checking it out and ur very wc btw♡


Thank you for following me <3 if you need to talk, don't hesitate to use my message board. 


@Tamaarmy Awww ur wc and thank you I will( ◜‿◝ )♡